Controversial idea maybe. But Crown Store has already turned into a short cut towards crafting expertise.
Extremely rare motifs like Buoyant Armiger could be bought with gems, or gotten from crates with luck.
Many, if not most, motifs are available from crates and directly buyable with crowns.
You can buy research scrolls with vouchers and crowns, and become a 9 trait crafter in a few weeks.
In light of this, there is really no reason why furnishing recipes should not be sold in the Crown Store, or obtainable from Crates. It's just another step in the same direction.
Crown furnishings have no interest to me, and I will rarely buy any, simply because I want the recipes, and be able to create them on my own.
But if they were to add furnishing recipes to the store or crates, either as single recipes or parts of a bundle, I would certainly buy some of them, especially the more overpriced ones.
If you can already be a 9 trait crafter with all motifs from crown store purchases, there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to buy furnishing recipes from the store either.
Crafting sets actually have value and use in the gameplay - furnishings are purely decorations.