In Shor campaign a couple of hours ago on PS4 NA. I don't remember how long ago I picked up the quest, but I hadn't paid it much attention since I focus on those particular ones when I happen to be in the area. But, after completing a different quest, this one was the next in line, so it popped up on my tracker at the top of my screen. I still didn't pay it much attention as I was pretty far away from Aleswell, so imagine my surprise when I was near Arrius lumbermill and saw a quest marker over it saying to capture Aleswell mine! I could only see the marker on my compas though, not on the actual map anywhere, it showed up after I had to res at another keep which is when I took a pic. I thought maybe just the name was wrong in the quest, but after capturing the lumbermill, nothing happened. I went on my way, intending to make my way over to Aleswell to see if taking the mine would complete the quest, but didn't get the chance to this session. Sorry if that was a weird explanation, here's the pic showing what I mean:

As I said, I don't remember when I picked up this quest, but I think I was in Vivec campaign when I did and was in Shor campaign when I noticed it and took the pic above.
Edited by Pink_E_808 on January 30, 2018 10:02PM