As we all know; ESO gives you plenty of time to appreciate its loading screens.
So what's your favourite "Delve Loading Screen" description or joke? I'll start
Mal Sorra's Tomb
None of the denizens of Coldharbour can actually "die"—all of them, Daedra and Soul Shriven, merely discorporate until they can form new bodies. Why, then, are there so many tombs and graveyards? Because Coldharbour is Molag Bal's plane, and he likes them.
Edited by Woodenplank on January 30, 2018 8:02AM I think it is central to ESO's well-being to critique the developers when they change the game (or fail to change something).
But the negativity can be exhausting, so I vow to post 50/50 negativity and appreciation.