I have been away from the game since June and have just returned...
In June I had reported that after the Morrowind patch, it began raining inside Earthtear Cavern:
This was an issue within all houses at the time. It seems that issue was fixed within certain houses, but not Earthtear Cavern.
The issue was also discussed here:
The same issue occurred more recently with the limited edition Pariahs' Pinnacle. There were posts made about the issue, and it was very quickly fixed.
Can we please ask for this issue to finally also be fixed within Earthtear?
This is a prime location, costing a lot of real money. I'm unable to understand why the issues with Earthear have still yet to be fully resolved.
@ZOS_GinaBruno Pretty Please, can you have a word with the team to finally remove the rain from Earthtear, even if other issues are not fixed?
This only started as of Morrowind patch. Seems unfair that the issue has been resolved within all but this prime location
Thanks for your consideration
Edited by MacCait on January 31, 2018 3:07PM