A magicka tank... bad idea? Maybe. Fun as hell? You be the judge!
Think 'Maximum Heroism'. The main appeal of this build is it's versatility, and its reliance on ultimates. You will be slinging ults like a super saiyan in boss fights, trash farming, maybe even Cyrodiil? With some impen and tweaking it could work!
The beauty is in being able to swap your ult based on the flavor of the fight, and actually be able to use it more than once! With the Bloodspawn and Akaviri sets, along with smart usage of skills, traits and CP, your heroism is going to go through the roof! The best part is choosing just how to use it: Want to burn down the adds? Nova them. Need extra blocking power? Forget stamina; your shield ult will be up nearly 50% of the time! (I didn't actually do the math on this.) Team getting pummeled? Give them a resto ult like every 15 seconds. War horn will be your bread and your butter, my friends; even with its high cost you'll be trumpeting all day long!
5 Akaviri Dragonguard
5 Ebon Armory
2 Blood Spawn
(Large infused, small divines; health/magicka enchants or tri-glyph)
Sword and Shield (decisive, reinforced)
1) Puncturing Sweep
2) Structured Entropy - mainly for the 8% health and the Major Sorcery (remember to proc this before dropping a Nova)
3) Heroic Slash - Minor Heroism for faster ults!
4) Pierce Armor
5) Blazing Shield - keeps you toasty and safe inside
Restoration Staff (decisive)
1) Ritual of Retribution - optional
2) Ring of Preservation - optional
3) Channeled Focus - NOT optional, keep this up at all times
4) Inner Rage - basically endless taunt spamming from range
5) Honor the Dead
Jewelry all arcane/healthy with magicka regen.
The Apprentice or Mage if you are feeling strong, The Lady if you're feeling frail
-You're going to go deep into Heavy Armor and Bastion in The Lord constellation.
-Last Stand in The Ritual (the 120 point passive) is great for ult gain in risky situations.
-Get your Arcanist and Thaumaturge to 75 at least; don't be shy with those DPS CPs, this tank can dish it out!
-The rest is mostly common sense, remember that reaching resistance caps is NOT necessary due to the Bloodspawn proc.
-Crazy fast ultimate gain. Spell Wall will have you blocking half of the hits coming your way (source needed).
-Versatile between defense, damage and support. This is the tank you bring to that PUG group that needs babysitting.
-Ebon Armory is always a welcome set in groups and the high health boosts your Blazing shields and keeps you toasty.
-You can still DPS! Allocate a good chunk into magicka and use those ults to help your group burn down the big guys and the adds.
-Tested in all non-DLC vet dungeons, and ICP and WGT, with minimal issues. Your worst enemy is just bad luck and pad procs.
-Blood Spawn CAN be unreliable just by its proc nature. If a big hit finds you between procs, you might be calling for a medic.
-But wait, you kind of are a medic! (this one goes up to PROS)
-Not a meta build, not suggested for trials as I have not tested it there (nor any others to be completely honest).
As always, suggestions and criticisms are welcome. I'm no pro at this, I just like experimenting with fun builds. Thanks for reading!
Edited by Datolite on January 27, 2018 5:52PM