Hi, I'd like to request a couple things for the API, specifically Events for Emotes.
1) Function isPlayerInteracting() = returns True if the Player is interacting with a station or chair (sitting) or some other world interactable.
- For example, The "Idle Animations" addon is supposed to not emote when a player is manually emoting, but it can't know if the player is sitting. So, it tries to do an idle emote and stands the player up, which is bad.
2) Event PlayerEmoted() = returns (PlayerName, EmoteIndex) when another Player (or by account?) starts an Emote, referenced by the integer index of the Emote.
- This would be helpful to know what another player is Emoting in order to perform a reaction Emote.
- For example, if 2 or more players are playing Parchment, Soul Gem, Clippers, via an addon the winning player would automatically know they won and perform the /cheer emote, while the losers perform the /angry or some other emote. Unfortunately this is not possible to script now.
Edited by SBB on January 27, 2018 4:12AM