As far as the tanking goes, I'd come up with my own build and it holds magnificently against dungeons, world bosses, everything of the sort.

Though, I decided I wanted to keep a second bar for DPS, just so that I wasn't completely incapable if I wanted to do solo play. ( I usually play with my girlfriend, and sometimes another friend, who are more DPS oriented.)

Currently, my second bar is 2H DPS, and what I'm wondering is would it be more beneficial to switch to dual wielding or a bow, and mix either of those weapons with a few of the DK powers.

In this bar (currently) is

Noxious Breath
Green Dragon Blood
Ash Cloud
Wrecking Blow
[Ult[- Standard of Might

Would a combination of dual wield and DK powers be better, or would using bow/powers be better than the 2H Setup

Note: I'm finding ash cloud to be god awful in dungeons, and for any DPS/DOT in my opinion.
  • Valykc
    I have a few points in 2H for solo content when I’m not tanking. I just use Dizzying swing, reverse slice, and rally. Switch out your tank gear for a set like seventh legion and maybe agility plus Velidreth and you’ll be sitting at over 3k weapon damage. I also use the Asylum Infused 2H with Berserker enchant for more Spell Damage.

    To answer you question, if you are spec’d for tanking, I’m pretty sure 2H will give you the best raw damage. DW is good for sustained pressure, Bow I wouldn’t use for solo dps’ing.
  • Valykc
    But also venomous claw and molten armaments for the extra damage on heavies which goes well with 2H passives
  • Nestor
    I don't know how your attribute pool is set up, but your not going to do much in the way of DPS if your stacked into Health as it stands now.

    Also, your overlooking the Buffs you apply to the group and the Debuffs to the Boss that increase the DPS of the entire group.

    Remember a Tank does not make the Group, it makes the Group better.

    You would be better off making sure your buffs/debuffs are up, your wearing gear sets that help the group. Also, as you say, if things are getting tough, the last thing you want to is stop tanking. All that damage you have been absorbing is now focused on the squishy healers and DPS's. They can't do any DPS if they are dead.

    How I add some DPS to the group is with Ultimates. Warhorn is probably the best one, but Shifting Standard can be useful. So can Corrosive Armor or Dragon Leap as an opener. I even carry a Destro Staff for my back bar if I want to slot the Destro Ultimate for some dungeons.

    Now, if you still want to swap to a damage weapon, use 2 Handed or DW, Bows are ranged weapons and your not tanking if your not tasting the sweat of your enemy.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

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