I'm fairly decent in 1v1s now. Even if I lose, the fights last atleast 5-10min+. However, I have 2 problems:
1. I fear magDKs in a 1v1. I can't cloak reliably to crit heals. I am rooted, stunned 99% of the time in a fight. My burst is probably not enough against good ones. And I feel I have no sustained pressure. How do I fight against them? I've fought a fair share of experienced players of all classes now. But none of the other classes have given be so much problems. (Yes not even undodgeable birds!!)
2. I've been trying to learn how to 1vX recently. So what I do is I go to a random resource and take it and wait for people to come. I've noticed that the maximum no. of people I can take = 3-4 *** players. But the instant I get marked I know I'm screwed. I may get 1 or 2 *** players down but mark = death sentence for me. ( AND EVERYONE's RUNNING MARK PFF ). How do I counter mark target?
Thank you.
My build:
1.2k mag recovery
2.3k stam recovery
4.4k fully buffed weapon damage ( with enchant + master bow + major brutality)
13k MAG, 21k HP, 31k stam ( No undaunted passive yet.)
Edited by Erekon on January 24, 2018 6:20PM