leveling up alchemy

I have about 6 level 50s and some of them i dont use much but have a fair amount of space for skillpoints because they dont have as many builds as others.
So i have a lot of resources, does it take long to level up? recipes are not as skill dependent as provisioning it seems

thank you
  • pauli133
    Doesn't take long if you've got the mats and the skill points. Just keep making the highest level poison you can with the least valuable mats you have. Up your skill level as you go.
  • SpAEkus
    Nope, just make enough and you are done.

    Here's the minimums:
    • Make 21 Clear Water, 41 Pristine Water, 48 Cleansed Water, 60 Filtered Water, 87 Purified Water
    • ESO Plus+ Subscription 10% IP gain. 30 Champion Points in Tower Constellation 20% IP gain. Will require less total in each level.

    Learn every reagent quickly - Sunshine Daydream Crafting Guide

  • Nestor
    If you have the Solvents and Reagents, it takes about 20 minutes, maybe 30, to fully level Alchemy.

    I think you get more Inspiration learning Reagents and such at higher levels of Alchemy, but it is also kind of proportional in that your going to "move" the bar just as much at a lower level as at a higher level. But, no matter when you do that, learning the reagents is a good chunk of Inspiration so make sure you do that before you fully level the skill grinding out potions. Also, learning reagents, solvents and oils unlock the Alchemy Achievements to get you more Master Writs if you do crafting writs.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • xbobx
    thank you everyone.
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