I would like to make a proposal to add in some guild functionality into the game, as there really isn't any as of right now. Other than the obvious guild traders, there isn't much of a point in actually joining a guild. What i propose is simple, just adding in a few things to maybe make guilds worth while. I will list some examples that myself and other players have mentioned.
1. GUILD LEVELS: Adding in a leveling system for guilds could be rewarding as, per "X" levels the guild would get "X" perks unlocked. For example: when a guild reaches level 5 it unlocks a perk that allows members to have the guild pay for repairs up to a pre-selected limit as set by the GM. (this is solely and example). As to how a guild would increase in levels is simple, whenever 2 or more guild members are grouped up and running content the guild is leveling. An example of this being: a group a guild members complete the Spindleclutch dungeon, the guild earns "X" experience. However, make it more beneficial for more members to run together. so for example: 2 members in a group = 2,000 XP, where 4 members in a group = 4,000 XP. A level cap would obviously need to be included however.
2. GUILD HALLS: With the addition of player housing, it became possible for guilds to have a "guild hall", however, this is a faulty system as it is a PLAYER'S home. Meaning if the player was to leave the guild, then the guild would lose the hall. Also this lacks any real customization for the guild, because only the owner of the home can furnish the hall. As well, any hirelings like the merchant and banker are a bit limiting, because the banker only allows you to view your personal bank and the merchant is just a standard merchant with the usual garbage (excluding repair kits). I am asking for a functional guild hall that can be unlocked and purchased with the guild's in game gold. And can be furnished by the GM and officers, for example: the officers and GM could choose to hang guild heraldry, that reflect the guild tabard, throughout the hall and exterior. Also they could purchase a guild banker that allows use of the guild bank from within the hall, and a trader to access the guild store from within the hall. Along with the usual training targets, crafting stations, decor, etc.
3. GUILD PERKS: The guild perks would reflect the level of the guild. This means that a guild at level 10 would not have the same perks as a guild at level 20. As for some ideas on perks, (as mentioned before) a perk that allows players to have their guild cover a portion of their repair bills up to the daily cap set by the GM. Another example would be a harvesting bonus (double the raw materials from a node). Or possibly, increased alliance point gain. But personally I would not set all the perks to reflect PvE, as many players prefer PvP, I would set a few to reflect PvP in the same respect.
These are simply ideas that have been thrown around in conversations with many other players, and is simply a guiding tool to be used should Zenimax decide to go this route. I do hope that this is considered with great thought as I know this would no doubt please many players of the game. This has been something that I personally have been hoping for since the launch of the game. But of course the idea is not limited to what is stated here as this is simply a starting point, the directions that Zenimax could take this in are numerous and can either be expanded on or just changed all together but I do hope that something is implemented soon.
May the eight watch over your battles, friends!
Edited by BAILxWARRIOR on January 16, 2018 7:04PM