This game needs diminishing returns on cc and softcaps on healing/healing reduction among other things, you can purge/pop immovable pots/shuffle/forward momentum/escapist poison all day long but you shouldn't need to, build variety for alot of specs is dead thanks to perma-roots, undodgeable damage, bugged cc's, cost increase poisons and the imbalance between healing and healing reduction, the classes that suffer have to completely rely on running broken meta specs to make their class playable.
There was a time where you could run full divines and some crafted sets with imperfect trait jewellery and actually do ok in pvp, getting in a fight open world would be a test of skill, now it's just a matter of what specific type of uncounterable mechanic will bend you over the desk.
Every patch they add more cc's and slows, if the server feels in the mood they stack, befoul stacking has made more builds than I can count irrelevant, cost-poisons can stack in lag and can persist through death in some cases; let alone just shut people down with no counter; I would go into undodgeable attacks but honestly the whole class skill system is a mess and it's a waste of time to address, much like it is to read all this.
Edited by fred.thomsonb16_ESO on January 17, 2018 6:49AM