Hey guys,
i think everyone knows about the performance-/lag-issue that is going on in PVP (Cyrodiil) and PVE (Raids) - almost 2 years now. The platform also doesn't matter. Sure, there are always some people who say they don't have any issues, but i guess at least 95% of the active-player (PVE&PVP), that are doing more than running around at overland-maps and questing/doing some 4-man-dungeon, are involved. I won't post another video or screenshot about the cyrodiil- or raid-lag, there are enough videos/screenshots on the forum. Also if you read all those thread, you realize that a lot of people got salty within the last 2 years, because of the missing "communication" by Zenimax.
"What's going on?" "Why do we get those loooooooong loading screens?" " Is it a server-issues? If yes, how could it be fixed?" "Is it a client issue?" "Why did the performance in cyrodiil getting that worse over the last years, although the max population has been reduced?" "What does ZOS currently plan to improve the performance?" "What information does ZOS need to improve the performance?" "How can we help them to improve the performance?".... There are much more question.
I think the point where people are getting angry is, that we don't get any answer to those questions. The Elder Scrolls online is currently one of the best, most beautiful and "characteristic" MMO out there and the upcomming DLC's and the Transmog System are extending the diversity of Tamriel again.
So,iam just wondering: What do you guys think about an "ESO-Live-Techtalk"? It would be awesome to get some answers to this questions. The Techtalk doesn't has to be really long, i guess 15-20 minutes would be enough. And this probably would be a good way to improve the connection between Zenimax and their playerbase.
It would also be nice to hear, what our friends from Zenimax think about this.
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_KaiSchober @ZOS_MattFiror @ZOS_AlexTardif
Edited by Paganini on January 15, 2018 1:58PM
What do you think about an "ESO-Live-Techtalk"? 38 votes
Yeah, i definitely want to see such a Techtalk!
No, iam happy with the current state of the game.