Hello everyone,
I'm thinking about changing my dps warden to a hybrid build that is able to both tank and heal in veteran dungeons, and possibly set a foot in normal trials.
Since I have a sword and board DK tank, I'd love to try a frost staff/resto tank/healer setup. I'd like it to be good enough for all veteran dungeons in the game.
Now I'm completely clueless about wardens, so this is what I came up with:
as for gear:
2x Engine Guardian (For the massive resource refill for the entire team.)
5x Fortified brass (For the massive resistance buff+health)
4x any set that gives 2x a setbonus of magicka recovery and 1x max magicka, there are many sets that provide this.
All enchants max magicka, jewelry magicka regeneration.
Max magicka instead of the block one because it allows you to be more hybrid: Being able to spam your self heals/soft taunts and also useful when you take the role as healer.
Frost staff (tank bar)
Elemental blockade
gripping shards
Ice fortress
Polar wind
Blue Betty
Ult: Northern Wind
Rest staff (Healing bar)
Shimmering shield
Enchanted grow
Lotus Blossom
Leeching vines
Healing ward
Ult: Enchanted forest
Taunts would mainly come from heavy frost attacks. although I guess I could slot inner rage instead of one of the other attacks.
Now this could be a complete rubish build, I don't really know.
Remember my goal is not veteran trials, it just needs to be able to either tank & heal in veteran dungeons. and possibly normal trials.
Any help would be highly appreciated!
Edited by Durete on January 13, 2018 11:42PM