When Hermaeus Mora has his own story DLC please bring back his original Voice actor from Skyrim.
It sounds much better and would make it more distinct among the the many voice we hear in ESO.
Each Daedric Prince should have their own specific voice actor.
The Mora that was crafted in Skyrim sounded Unique, Alien, Intimidating, and Ancient. Like the Lovecraft horror he was based on. It greatly differentiated him from the other princes.
The current Hermaeus Mora voice sounds generic like a British Human who is just trying to be creepy. Plus I can recognize the actor who plays MANY of the existing characters in the game.
Skyrim Mora is WAY creepier
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugyPBU5k7hMSkyrim base game
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACRZaCISpnwSkyrim Dragonborn DLC he actually sounds better in the DLC
Edited by Iccotak on January 12, 2018 2:42PM