Issue on PC NA (haven't tried other platforms/servers)
When having a OneHanded weapon or a shield on off-hand, with main-hand empty, light attack & heavy attack gets no animation. Which should be a punching (unarmed) animation (or at least that's how it worked before this bug started happening). Block & Bash animation works fine. Just light & heavy attack.
It's only the animation that's missing - attacks do occur with hits. However, due to the animation being missing it's hard to know if attacks are on execution.

From my observation it seems the animations are mixed with dual-wielding animations.
In the first img, running animation uses that of 'with main-hand 1H weapon, without off-hand'.
In the second img, sheathing (not unsheathing) animation uses that of Dual-Wielding sheath animation.
It's fun to use Unarmed (although less viable), yet it's disappointing when it's got no animation.
+) Attack voice is also missing
Edited by mhc9840 on January 12, 2018 9:00AM Unarmed Fighter