In this corner: Weighing in a 3 tons, the fiery flesh atronach with a face only a mother could love; the heavy handed servant of the Mad Architect, the smasher of tanks and layer of pyro - - - Grothdarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!
In this corner: Weighing in at 800 pounds of molten lava and rock, the Deadlands Dremora and Undaunted Detroya, wielder of claymore and flame, the Valkynaz with pizzazz - - - Valkyn Skoriaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!
I have used both sets. I'm not the best Templar but it seems like even on my magplar it would make sense to run Grothdarr, since either way I am using jabs. If you are truly at range though, or you are 1v1 and want the burst then I could see Skoria being preferred. The problem with Skoria otherwise would be that the proc might be going off on peripheral targets, not the focus of your burst.