“Dungeon” premade?
But yeah, separate queues for groups and solos would be great. There’s one Australia / New Zealand / Asia 4 man that particularly bugs me because they seem to PREFER to pug stomp. There have been multiple times in the last week where my 4 man has been solo queueing (because there aren’t other 4 mans on to fight) and then these guys pop up and pug stomp, then by the time we get our premade together to fight them they vanish into thin air after 1 fight. Then my group is left going up against two PUGs and looking like a$$holes before we break up and resume queueing individually to balance the teams.
They are single-handedly destroying the BG population in off-peak hours, which is when we need to protect the BG population the most.
BGs lit on Xbox. Most top tier players are solo/duo lately with the pre-mades not being min/maxed elite groups usually.
What’s the counter (for Stam classes) to these blazing shield permablock dmg reflect guardbot builds?zParallaxz wrote: »There is no unkillable build lol, block tanks have their counters u just don’t know them.
zParallaxz wrote: »There is no unkillable build lol, block tanks have their counters u just don’t know them.
We are talking about bgsJohnfred24 wrote: »
Zerging them with 20 people doesn't count as counter
DanielWinterborn wrote: »Again with the premades, happened before too but I decided to go to Lagodiil but that was too much and when I came back, same noobs in premades. You can spot them easy because they are almost all the time in the top 5 in rankings, how could they not? Stupid crap continues.
Most of the people in the top five rankings primarily do it through solo queueing.
I’m Curious to know you are in game on PC NA.
Savos_Saren wrote: »Permablocking tanks can be burnt down with bleed builds (as can most characters). The only problem is that you're relying on a random PUG member in your group to hopefully be running a bleed build.
I think the trolliest premade group that I've seen so far was a group of 4 tanky Magplars. They made a triangle around the Magplar holding the ball and all dropped their rituals and heals. Overlapping rituals, heals, and popping Jesus Beam/Soul Assault at anyone who entered.
It was frustratingly trolly and brilliant at the same time. None of us stood a chance.