Geodes - the current geode system should be left as is because it promotes players to pvp even if they are pve or casual. What could use a change so that these masses don’t just ball zerg objectives for their rewards, is ap needs to be distributed differently.
Scoring + AP
Resources on home keeps should be worth double their current take value while emp resources are halved from their current amount.
2. Emp keeps should also be halved to 3k Ap base, as the emp ring already provides the benefit of potential emperor, port distance and conquest positioning.
Groups earn less ap for every additional player near them that exceeds the group limit.
Note: This won’t deter groups from clumping on important objective takes but will make it more appealing to players to venture out of the large group in order to earn more ap.
Towns are worth more scoring tick points and generate higher ap values for kills made there. (additional towns?)
Scrolls Increase scoring on the scrolls so that captures are more sought over and the travel between scroll temple and a keep will generate combat over terrain that is hardly used.
Note: Scrolls are generally ran far away from keeps due to enemy access on easy spawns if the scroll is nearby thus the string of fights to ensue over cyrodiils beautiful environment.
AP Buff Make the ap buff last twice as long but worth 15%. Add a minor ap buff that is obtainable through completion of quest boards. Complete 3/4 and you earn the minor buff for 2 hours 10% a total of 25% more value if sought after.
Note: Players traveling to delves will enjoy small clashes away from the beaten path and quests with additional value will not only help your faction but encourage players to take and defend odd resources/keeps away from the main fray.
Dolmens drop rate for cold fire is increased and they now appear on the map showing as a grey icon that turns blue, red, yellow when cleared by a faction. (Killing blow on boss) the dolmen rewards a faction with 5 scoring points and spawns every 30
Note: By generating more opportunities to score points for your faction and at a considerable amount they will be huge points of interest across the map every time they spawn, resulting in fights on uncommon terrain.
Result = The geodes are now a prize for earning ap by leaving the ball zerg as zerg surfing for ap won’t be as profitable.
6a. An alternative quest board option
Group based missions that have different specifications. 4,8,12 etc in size that have the group escort a wagon from point A to B. If the wagon detects additional players from your faction past the quest amount then it will be deducted from your reward.
Other quests could be but not limited to:
-Intel gathering
-Capture and defend a spawned flag for x duration (abandoned towers, cheydinhal, outlying towns)
kicker is that enemy factions can see the accepted quest from other factions and a group of similar size can embark on the quest to prevent the escort from reaching its destination by eliminating all players and the wagon. With potentially 2 factions trying to destroy the escort they will also fight one another, potentially first, so as to eliminate the chance of having someone else take the reward.
*Once fully eliminated your group fails the mission and cannot reap rewards for that quest.
Quest Rewards: (idea)
If you accomplish the quest as the faction who took the initiating quest you gain one of
-guards are stronger/additional to one/two selected keeps for x minutes
-siege is 20% reduced cost for x minutes for your entire faction.
-a keeps walls are stronger and take reduced damage from siege for x minutes
One faction of choice
-weaker/less guards in a keep for x min
-siege costs 20% more for x min
-walls weaker on a keep for x min
*Also gain a chunk of ap for completing the quest*
A group from the faction that chose to intercept or stop the initiator has the ability to
-guards are stronger/additional to one/two selected keeps for x minutes
-siege is 20% reduced cost for x minutes for your entire faction.
-a keeps walls are stronger and take reduced damage from siege for x minutes
Lower vivec pop cap by 15% and then make shor a 30 day campaign.
Note: Players have shown a consistent draw to the longer campaign because it allows them to feel as if their contribution has more weight in a large scale war. The population spread along with ap changes will distribute players across the map in a healthier way.
AOE CAPS + Sets/Skills~~
The change to aoe caps is amazing but the damage that destro ults have when paired with moving sleet storms and vd/proxy will be enormous. But not in a positive way.
In order to combat this I’m suggesting a modification to destro ult in either damage or function.
1. Make the eots do another 10% less base while buffing the stationary destro by 10%. This generates a risk and reward. Ults that are stationary provide the most value when executed properly but can be easily countered by negates or moving out of them. This will encourage strategic play when it comes to dropping timed ults. As opposed to casting eots and running around for maximum damage. Especially with eots lack of counters.
2. The other option for a change to destro ult is by making it more tool based for a variety of mag ults
Inferno: lobs a ball of fire at a single target. Can be blocked but not dodged. Inflicts a burn that enraged the caster and increases their damage by 8% (minor beserk)
Ice: slam your staff into the ground sending out ice shards in a 10m aoe radius. Each shard that hits the same target deals 75/50/25% less damage than the first. Each shard roots the target. (Ic ice atro) this can be used in small scale control as well as large group play on chokes to enable ults like shackle/nova/bats.
Lightning: a conal magicka db that shocks the enemies hit for damage and stuns them
3. As a way to make either change more meaningful earthgore needs to see a minor tweak. Earthgore should be a way to heal but not remove ground effects upon activation. Negate already has an important role and should remain that way for countering player ults with active gameplay.
4. Vd/proxy
Vd base damage nerfed by 10% and radius increased by 2m
Proxy starts to increase in damage value after 6 enemies. Dealing subsequently more at 7/8/9/10 etc.
Recap]: As aoe caps are now removed I do believe it is a great thing but that if these ults and tools are too strong it will still encourage players to stack for the benefit of sets/heals/barriers/earthgore. As all of these tools are just as frightening to smaller numbers with the exception that large groups can apply more pressure to whatever is trying to kill them with vd proxy destro ult.
[/b]Outfit and guild tabard[/b]
Provide an option for players to turn guild tabard on/off as visible so that they can wear it over the outfit and or gear without it showing visibly.
Cp needs to stop increasing as it just increases everyone’s ability to spec for things their build doesn’t have as well as adding numerous calculations the server must make while in cyrodiil.
Befoul should be removed as well as healing received cp. This lowers the calculations necessary and provides some counterplay to strong defile/healing without using defile as the main counter to heals when it gimps classes without strong heals in the first place.
Thank you,