VaranisArano wrote: »[*] If you have a tank or healer or can swap gear to be a tank or healer, doing the daily random dungeon is a great boost of exp. On a tank or healer, doing random dungeons through group finder is an excellent source of exp. I don't recommend this for a DPS because of the longer wait times unless you are friends with a tank or healer who will run with you.
Daily random dungeon is nice if you level up an alt, it takes many days but not much time on alt.VaranisArano wrote: »[*] If you have a tank or healer or can swap gear to be a tank or healer, doing the daily random dungeon is a great boost of exp. On a tank or healer, doing random dungeons through group finder is an excellent source of exp. I don't recommend this for a DPS because of the longer wait times unless you are friends with a tank or healer who will run with you.
If you want to do this as a DPS, you can just queue and make your rounds at a grinding spot while waiting.
I personally find pure mob grinding terribly boring. So I very much agree with your last two points. I do the main quest, nMA, run through all the standard faction zones collecting wayshrines, skyshards, dolmens, lorebooks and public dungeons. I do random dungeons and some specific ones for the quests. At the end, I'm level 50, and have lots of skillpoints, Fighters Guild level 8, Mages Guild level 10 and Undaunted level 3-4. It takes much longer than 4 hours, but sanity stays intact.