ESO has a lot of complexity to some of the skills and armor sets and passives etc and how they interact with each other. However, when it comes to figuring out what works with what, it's sometimes not very clear how things work.
For instance, things like Dark Talons don't proc the extra healing received for Dragonknights. Things like this aren't really explained unless you have done outside research.
Even things that may be more obvious to some aren't always clear. The biggest instance is for instance what is a direct damage ability, etc.
I understand that too much information can be overwhelming, but for those who are well aware of skills or just like more in-depth information, I think we should have the ability to view more detailed information, or a few small tidbits should be added to skills.
Not to say ESO has to copy them directly, but perhaps having things like colored numbers on the scaling numbers which stand for what they scale with(for instance, green for stamina, blue for magicka, etc) just to make things more clear without even adding like a huge complex paragraph.
Another thing i'd like to see, at the very least optionally, is tags for skills, sort of in the vain of Path of Exile where the tags such as melee and attack and stuff are at the top of the skill, clearing up confusion on what damage type everything is. (seen here )
These small little tags, which i'm sure are present directly in the game's code somewhere, would be incredibly helpful for clearing up various confusions about things and overall just help the game feel more cohesive, at least in my opinion.
What is everyone's thoughts on this? Am I alone in wanting this? Should other things be added? Let me know what you think!