Stats for end game

So, for my end game build, how high should be my stats?
Nothing excessive, i don't want to do vet trials or have a top 1% build, but still i'd like to enjoy vet dungeons and pvp with my friends.
I'm a nightblade healer, how high should be my:
- max health, magicka and stamina
- magicka regen
- spell power
- critical resistance
- physicial and magical resistance

I guess that's it. Thank you in advantage!
  • Mister_DMC
    Hard to answer but ok, 18k health, rest into Magicka so maybe 33 - 40k Max Magicka. 2kish Magicka Regen, 2kish spell power, 0 Crit resist while playing in pve. 2k ish Crit resist while playing in PvP. Whatever you have in resistances is fine in pve, having a shield in infinitely more important.
  • VaranisArano
    I'm going to be really imprecise here. Your stats need to be high enough to get you through the content with your friends.
    AKA if your friends like to stand in stupid, you'd better have the stats to support that.

    Okay, that's less than helpful, I know.
    For PVE, you'll want at least 18K health, just like a DPS, and the rest of that can go towards magicka. How much will probably depend on your sets. For example, you can benefit a lot from Worms Raiment, but if your friends run stamina DPS builds like mine do, Worm's is a wasted buff. Your base stamina should be fine, if you need more, run a purple tri-food.
    I run somewhere between 15-20k resistances on my healer. If you feel really squishy, that can be adjusted with more resistances or with skills like Healing Ward to give you a damage shield.
    Things like regen and spell power, maybe others will have better ideas for numbers. I tend to go with the idea that you need enough to feel comfortable doing what you are doing. If you are constantly running low with taxing groups, make an adjustment. If you always have enough magicka, you can probably afford to switch to greater spell damage, ans so on.

    For PVP, some things change.
    You'll want more health and resistances, especially to start out with. I had to run around in Plague Doctor in order to get enough experience surviving in PVP to then be able to go back to healing in light armor. I currently feel comfortable with about 20-25k resistances and 24-28K health in PVP, but again, I had 38k with Plague Doctor while I was learning.
    You do need Crit Resistance. How much depends on whether you are using Robes of Transmutation set, but I prefer to have 100% impen trait gear or 5 pieces of impen with the chest and legs infused.
    So I'd recommend starting with more health and working down to where you have more magicka/light armor when you are comfortable in PVP. A squishy inexperienced healer is a dead healer. A squishy experienced healer has the experience to know how to stay alive in a fight.
    As for magicka, you'll find out what you use it for. Spamming healing springs is a totally different drain than holding up siege shields and purges on a ram while the enemy rains down oils. Experience will tell you whether you have enough for what you want to do.
  • ascan7
    Thank you all very much. I won't run the transmutation set
    About max stam, is 10k high enough?
  • VaranisArano
    ascan7 wrote: »
    Thank you all very much. I won't run the transmutation set
    About max stam, is 10k high enough?

    That's about what I have, putting no points in stam. In PVE, you'll be fine, though if you find yourself lacking stam for certain mechanics (like Drodda in Direfrost Keep will heal if you don't break free from her beam) you can slot a tri-pot or a stam pot for that fight. Definitely use a tri-food in PVP, because you'll be breaking free and roll dodging a lot more than you do in PVE. Having the extra stam will be much more helpful for a magicka character than a little extra health and magicka or regen.
  • ascan7
    Ok thank you
    Last thing that i forgot, what about spell penetration?
    Edited by ascan7 on January 7, 2018 10:35PM
  • Dracane
    ascan7 wrote: »
    Ok thank you
    Last thing that i forgot, what about spell penetration?

    You're a healer, you don't need penetration, because you probably won't have much time to deal much damage to enemies.
    You should however use elemental drain, if you intend on healing in veteran trials.
    Edited by Dracane on January 7, 2018 11:22PM
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