Which particular mechanics from other MMO you would like to see in ESO ?

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  • Stovahkiin
    This. Com
    Sylance9 wrote: »
    Area taunt!

    This. When I came to ESO from SWTOR, it seemed weird that tanks pretty much only have one way of tanking/taunting here.
    Beware the battle cattle, but don't *fear* the battle cattle!
  • Mic1007
    Sub classes like in Final Fantasy 14. Would like to be Warden Nightblade and get to choose from 6 class skill lines

    A Dragonknight Sorcerer... *Drools*
    Champion Rank 900+
    PC NA

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Bashev
    Aion's transformation system (based on PvP ranks) but better implementation and more meaningful PvP.
    Because I can!
  • billp_ESO
    A taming system/skill line. Like in DAOC.

    Custom made quests, like the Ryzom Ring or Nevewrwinter's quest builder.
  • Wildcopper
    - Ships like Black Desert Online.
    - Dynamic events from GW2.
    - Taming like Ultima Online.
    - A real auction house like WoW. They could keep the actual player vendors and just add a global search function, that would already be a huge progress and would still make players move through the world. In the meantime, thanks to the trading websites...
    Edited by Wildcopper on January 8, 2018 3:30PM
  • Vanthras79
    1. Guild search function for consoles.
    2. Underwater combat/swimming.
    3. World Quests/Events.
    4. Visual/quest revamps to old zones.
    Norion Germain - Telvanni Wizard, Covenant Battle Mage, Mage's Guild Magister, Resident of Daggerfall Overlook, Lord of Tel Galen, Psijic Monk, Antiquarian, Breton Scholar, and Traveler.

  • Zorgon_The_Revenged
    To be honest, the ability to mark out tactics and focus target marks in dungeons/trials from FFXIV would be the only thing.

    (Although getting my Raven over from EVE would be cool for Cyrodiil ball groups. And pooping every so often, like Ark, would add to the immersion. Being able to bottle some of the toxicity from the BDO forums and channel chat to use as poison on my ESO weapons would work wonders.....and the quality of the salt....the finest.)
  • Radiance

    1. Click-Attack Weapon Combos implementing various Martial Arts and fighting techniques. Overall weapons system Update like holding a Dagger Upside down and form & styles specific to weapon type.

    2. Wands & Orbs/Runes/SpellBooks/Shield/Melee-Magicka Dual-Wield

    3. Mount Stampede Super Charge or Timed Memento with Current Active Mount that can be used On or Off Mount to Charge Mobs/Players in front of you, knocking them down, that would be very useful in PVP to jump off as it charges into zergs and get more worth and excitement out of Mounts.

    4. Centralized Trading Market.
  • Surgee
    AUCTION HOUSE FOR EVERYONE. Biggest guilds got the monopoly and set the prices.
  • Zyjin
    Separate balance for skills in PvP and PvE. This worked great in GW and GW2. and works great for Ambush, in this game. The only skill that is allowed to be balanced differently. because logic.

    This is probably one of my big ones, honestly balancing things separately at least to some degree would help so much, even if it would be a lot of extra work.
  • Zyjin

    what if they are both females? or what if they are both male? who is whom them? how can the game decide!? this needs more thorough information.

    Could just be like an unlocked title that says something like "-player name's- Wife/husband"
  • Mojmir
    Somebody just make an updated version of UO please.
  • jaye63
    None. If I wanted those mechanics I would be playing those games. Sick and tired of games copying other games but having to create original codes that cause problems because of copyrights. Stop asking for more bugs.
  • QuebraRegra
    Skoomah wrote: »
    I would like pvp enabled in all Tamriel.

    I'll grant you a "bounty" system, as part of the justice system (players can choose to set a bounty on another player). Test fly it first in Cyrodil.
  • cabbageub17_ESO
    Sylance9 wrote: »
    Area taunt!

    I nominate the Warden skill Impaling Shards for this.
  • Reckquiem
    Iselin wrote: »
    Zone-wide Rift daedric invasions


    Always thought the Dark Anchors weren't that exciting. Would love to see them be larger event or even a zone wide event similar to the MMO Rifts zone events or Wow's invasions or something.

    Either than that small scale arenas would interest me similar to Wows 2v2 and 3v3 arenas with a ranking system. Also would love a Ranking system with the current Battlegrounds introduced in Morrowind.
  • Iccotak
    Perhaps when the map is filled we can have no loading screen travel. We will see.
    BUT Less Loading screens would be great. As we are seeing with small instances of opening doors with no loading screens, they just open.

    That being said I want Sailing and for ZOS to expand on the oceans and actually make them feel like Oceans. Right now they are bland still-water.

    Like Dragon Age: Inquisition did.
  • Iccotak
    Also Skyboxes and Weather from ES games need to come to ESO.
    Instead of using fog for the sake of Distance actually add in weather that justifies that fog or lack of being able to see in the distance.
    Create An Atmosphere.

    If I am in Stonefalls maybe put in intense Ash storms.

    In Skyrim put in snow. Lots of snow makes it hard to see in the distance.

    Morning Fog? Or more intense fog after it rains.

    Put in dynamic sky

  • ValkynSketha
    I have been playing gw2 recently, and holy ***, the events, questing, personal story, living world ...etc is just amazing, the most epic fights i have ever had in any game and the difficulty of them is very good most of them encourage multiple players, i wish we could get something like this, where daedras are marching towards cities and *** and then a badass boss appear. MAKE TAMRIEL CHAOS AND RUIN AGAIN.
  • RupzSkooma
    Iccotak wrote: »
    Also Skyboxes and Weather from ES games need to come to ESO.
    Instead of using fog for the sake of Distance actually add in weather that justifies that fog or lack of being able to see in the distance.
    Create An Atmosphere.

    If I am in Stonefalls maybe put in intense Ash storms.

    In Skyrim put in snow. Lots of snow makes it hard to see in the distance.

    Morning Fog? Or more intense fog after it rains.

    Put in dynamic sky

    Iccotak wrote: »
    Perhaps when the map is filled we can have no loading screen travel. We will see.
    BUT Less Loading screens would be great. As we are seeing with small instances of opening doors with no loading screens, they just open.

    That being said I want Sailing and for ZOS to expand on the oceans and actually make them feel like Oceans. Right now they are bland still-water.

    Like Dragon Age: Inquisition did.

    From "MMORPG". Both of those games are on client side during runtime so obviously will be more immersive.
    But WoW has no loading screens too so the point taken.
    Edited by RupzSkooma on January 12, 2018 6:16AM
    Elder Kings II is a Role Playing Elder Scrolls mod for Crusader Kings III.
  • Iccotak
    I have been playing gw2 recently, and holy ***, the events, questing, personal story, living world ...etc is just amazing, the most epic fights i have ever had in any game and the difficulty of them is very good most of them encourage multiple players, i wish we could get something like this, where daedras are marching towards cities and *** and then a badass boss appear. MAKE TAMRIEL CHAOS AND RUIN AGAIN.

    Yes. We need instances where Molag Bal's invasion actually feels like an invasion.
    Maybe create special events where cities get attacked by daedric or alliance (if alliance still matters) forces.
    Remember dragon attacks from Skyrim? How about Daedric Titan attacks?

    imo ESO needs to bring back that feeling of a living world that ES game have.
    Have guards on horseback going on patrol throughout the roads of zones. Heck, have Alliance patrols.
    Give animals a wider radius of movement as opposed to sitting in one place the whole time.
  • Olen_Mikko
    I like Guild Wars 2 targeting system more. I hate curving arrows that occurs in ESO. Spells are other thing, as they're magic and all.

    But curving arrows. That's just plain stupid and too quaranteed hit.
    NB enthusiastic:
    1. Woodhippie stamblade - DW hard-hitter / PvE
    2. Know-it-all elf Magblade - Healer / PvE & PvP
    3. Hate-them-all elf Magblade - Destrostaff AoE monster / PvE
    4. Cyrodiil-Refugee stamblade - Stamina Tank / PvE

    Go dominion or go home

    Nightblade-Hipster. I played Nightblade before it was cool - from 1.5 onwards.
  • Orticia
    More in game fun collectibles available by playing the game, like mounts, housing items, fun consumables, pets and such. Possibly adding rare drops to fishing, mini games, hidden chests, rare chests, achievements, treasure hunts, quests.
    A way to earn store currency in game, even if inefficient.
    Edited by Orticia on January 12, 2018 10:28AM
  • ValkynSketha
    Orticia wrote: »
    More in game fun collectibles available by playing the game, like mounts, housing items, fun consumables, pets and such. Possibly adding rare drops to fishing, mini games, hidden chests, rare chests, achievements, treasure hunts, quests.
    A way to earn store currency in game, even if inefficient.

    This aswell, the latest gw2 expansion path of fire for example put all eso dlcs combined to shame, it introduce a vast 5 open world maps with ton of events and high replayability, new specialization for each class, most important in each region as you progress you will stumble upon a quest that unlock a mount special to each region so 5 mounts total, each mounts have a special ability, and they only sell skins through the cash shop, the cash shop currency can be earned in game, keep in mind that gw2 is a F2P game with no subscription as optional choice and no p2w.

  • Maura_Neysa
    My choice would be Star Wars Galaxies PvP mechanics. Go to your military recruiter and set your status (Active Duty, On Leave, Not in the Military)

    Active Duty - Everywhere in the game (except raids) was PvP. Equivalent would be Cyrodiil and Craiglorn, Bleakers Rock, even getting your major buffs (came from other players and lasted hours.) If one Active Duty player saw another Active Duty player they could attack, no warning.

    On Leave - Not attack-able, but kept your military rank, and when you went into a PvP zone you would be automaticly switched to Active Duty, aka if you went into Cryodiil

    Not in the Military - Not attack-able and could not attack. Unless.. you took a Bounty. Bounties where placed on Players by Players. Each time you where killed in PvP you had the option to PAY to place a bounty on the Player that killed you. Great counter play to those annoying Players (like gankers.) When you took a Bounty you could then freely hunt your target anywhere in the game (except raids) and when you found them attack them, they would not know you could/where going to attack until the first damage hit.

    This set up made it so that PvP and PvE could easily play together too. On my Entertainer I would be giving out one of those major buffs and just having conversations, when the person I was buffing all of the sudden is in combat (Bounty) or suddenly alert because they became aware of an enemy in the area.
    Maiden Maura - Xbox NA
    Warden Ice Tank (By far my favorite) -RIP #Nerfmire
    Stormproof, Shehai Shatterer, Mageslayer(solo tanked), Ophidian Overlord, Assistant Alienist, Boethiah's Scythe,Maw of Lorkhaj Conqueror, Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor
    Dragon Knight Healer (Since Homestead)
    Shehai Shatterer, Mageslayer,
    Warden 2x Bow DPS
    Stormproof, Shehai Shatterer, Mageslayer, Ophidian Overlord, Assistant Alienist, Boethiah's Scythe, Maw of Lorkhaj Conqueror, Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor, Sunspire Saint,
    PvP StamDen, Warden Healer, MagDen, Stamplar, StamSorc, DK Failed Attempt, NB Failed Attempt

    Playing BiS isn't impressive, playing unique at BiS lvl, THAT's impressive.

  • eso_lags
    Mount taming, more pvp zones, a trade goods system where you have to go from point a to point b and one with risks vs reward, and naval combat.. so basically archeage in eso fashion.
  • Uviryth
    1.) A Serverwide Auctionhouse

    2.) Underwaterzones and Underwatercombat

    3.) Competetive PvEspeccs that aren`t based on DOTs and Animation canceling.
    Edited by Uviryth on January 12, 2018 12:15PM
  • Rex-Umbra
    Star Wars Galaxies had social professions. Made game more alive and social.
    Xbox GT: Rex Umbrah
    GM of IMPERIUM since 2015.
  • Agalloch
    1. An upgrade of the enchantment system. Please ZOS , implement a feature to + enchant our gear.! I'd like so much to have

    a +10 Hunding Rage set for example. Every +1 should give different bonuses like + more magicka , stamina..weapon damage etc.

    2. More rewarding achievement system . I liked so much the one in Guild Wars 2 : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Achievement_rewards

    3. More world bosses ( very tough bosses ) that need to be killed by minimum 30 people

    4. More random world events..and invasions like the ones from Rift : http://guides.gamepressure.com/rift/guide.asp?ID=20443

    5.Capturable artifacts that give nice temporary buffs like the ones from Aion : http://gameguide.na.aiononline.com/aion/Artifacts

    6.More secrets scattered through Tamriel ( like hidden artifacts or objects that give temporary buffs, hidden bosses that appear randomly in some hidden caves ..hidden items that give some random , hard and nice rewarding quests.

    7. Some Dwemer Airships that random appear and land in random locations. These airships can be attacked ..and we could enter them to fight the crew ( some very hard to beat bosses ) ..also we can pvp inside them ..all can be instanced like the dredgion in Aion :http://aion.wikia.com/wiki/Dredgion

    8. More incentive to fish ..more rewards than Perfect Roe

    9. UI Revamp

    10. An improved Guild ( clan ) system with guild skills, guild missions, guild perks.

    11. Guild store search improved.

    12. Earnable mounts in game.

    13. More pvp features.

    14. Infrastucture and coding upgrade for supporting huge and massive PVP battles like before : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfeMROJhXSY

    15. More incentive and more features added to Imperial City .

    16. More quests and features added to the existing zones / DLCs to make us revisit them after we finish the content.

    17. Allow us to save/load our builds and CP distribution.

    English is not my native language.
    Edited by Agalloch on January 12, 2018 1:11PM
  • Runschei
    Skin to hide vampirism
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