terrordactyl1971 wrote: »Sub classes like in Final Fantasy 14. Would like to be Warden Nightblade and get to choose from 6 class skill lines
Yolokin_Swagonborn wrote: »Separate balance for skills in PvP and PvE. This worked great in GW and GW2. and works great for Ambush, in this game. The only skill that is allowed to be balanced differently. because logic.
xenowarrior92eb17_ESO wrote: »
what if they are both females? or what if they are both male? who is whom them? how can the game decide!? this needs more thorough information.
Zone-wide Rift daedric invasions
Also Skyboxes and Weather from ES games need to come to ESO.
Instead of using fog for the sake of Distance actually add in weather that justifies that fog or lack of being able to see in the distance.
Create An Atmosphere.
If I am in Stonefalls maybe put in intense Ash storms.
In Skyrim put in snow. Lots of snow makes it hard to see in the distance.
Morning Fog? Or more intense fog after it rains.
Put in dynamic sky
Perhaps when the map is filled we can have no loading screen travel. We will see.
BUT Less Loading screens would be great. As we are seeing with small instances of opening doors with no loading screens, they just open.
That being said I want Sailing and for ZOS to expand on the oceans and actually make them feel like Oceans. Right now they are bland still-water.
Like Dragon Age: Inquisition did.
ValkynSketha wrote: »I have been playing gw2 recently, and holy ***, the events, questing, personal story, living world ...etc is just amazing, the most epic fights i have ever had in any game and the difficulty of them is very good most of them encourage multiple players, i wish we could get something like this, where daedras are marching towards cities and *** and then a badass boss appear. MAKE TAMRIEL CHAOS AND RUIN AGAIN.
More in game fun collectibles available by playing the game, like mounts, housing items, fun consumables, pets and such. Possibly adding rare drops to fishing, mini games, hidden chests, rare chests, achievements, treasure hunts, quests.
A way to earn store currency in game, even if inefficient.