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need a few more questions

having the forums is great, and thanks for all the help. and i have more!

l28 with my templar. to stay alive, i have been only using maricka for skills. stay that way?

for a (rotation) i use punch sweep, honor the dead, repentance force pulse, dest clench as my big symbol shots...right or wrong?

not a big question, but using the professions...i use the dailies for all but nothing else. what is the best way to level the profs?

Thanks all!
  • boombazookajd
    If you're aiming for a magplar (magicka templar) then here's a nice resource: https://alcasthq.com/eso-magicka-templar-build-pve/

    I don't have a magplar and you'll be best served by another magplar player. @VaranisArano any chance you can give some advice here?

    as far as your second question, the best way to level clothing is to deconstruct everything you get EXCEPT items you'll use for research. Personally, I kept the harder to find traits like Divines and deconstructed anything well-fitted/sturdy/invigorating until I needed them as they are a dime a dozen in drops. You can also find inexpensive intricate CP 160 gear in guild traders and deconstruct that gear which will give you a great bump!

    Daily writs are also a good way to supplement but they can be resource intensive, I found myself hunting resources rather than playing the game. Someone who knows writs better can help you there.
    Drathus Delenu- Dunmer magDk: Shehai Shatterer, Mageslayer, Stormproof, Peak Scaler, Clockwork Confounder, Orderly, Master Wizard, Cloudrest Hero, Undaunted, Dragonstar Arena Champion
    Thoronir Rolston- Breton petsorc: Stormproof
    Zaakazha-Redguard stamblade: Boethia's Scythe, Clockwork Confounder, Maelstrom Arena Champion, Dragonstar Arena Champion

    Justinius Maximus Decimus- Altmer magblade
    Agronak gro'Mashul- Orc DK Tank
    Valerya Hawkcroft- Breton healer
    Zaaka- Imperial stamDK/crafter

    XB1 NA
  • VaranisArano
    Hi! So, full disclosure, I do have a magicka templar character that I play as a healer, but she's probably the character I play the least. :) They can be awesome DPS, healers, and tanks.

    You'll want to either stay magicka or go all stamina. That's because your spells get more damage the more magicka you have and your weapon skills get more damage the more stamina you have. Hybrids are possible, but much harder to make effective.

    So lets assume you want to do a magicka templar. Since you are leveling, its going to be easier if you lean more towards a DPS build. ESO generally gets easier the faster you kill enemies.

    Skills: You'll get better DPS by mixing skills that do damage over time, skills that heal you and do damage at the same time, and pure damage skills. You also need to keep your magicka high, which means doing heavy attacks to restore your magicka.
    • Skills that heal you and do damage: Puncturing Sweeps is an excellent choice. This is your bread-and-butter melee skill as a Templar that keeps you healed while killing the enemy. However, Puncturing Sweeps can be weak on its own, so its best combined with a damage over time skill.
    • Skill that do damage over time (DOT): I'd strongly suggest adding Wall of Elements (Destro Staff) to your rotation. Wall of Elements does DOTs over an area, so you can do constant damage to multiple enemies while you swap to doing single-target damage. (I'd suggest using Wall of Elements instead of Destructive Reach, which has cool effects but doesn't give you DOTs on multiple enemies.) As you level up, the Templar skill Spear Shards is another amazing DOT skill that also lets allies restore resources.
    • Pure Damage: Force Pulse is an excellent choice for pure damage. You'll often see Force Pulse as a spammable in magicka builds, but if you have to spam a skill I'd suggest Puncturing Sweeps instead.
    • Skills that heal you: Repentance is a good choice, especially since you get resources from this skill. If you are struggling with resources, make sure you working a heavy attack now and then. Honor the Dead is a fine skill, but the majority of end-game healers will use Breath of Life, so that may be something to consider.

    So the rotation I'd use would be: Starting combat with Wall of Elements to get that DOT ticking on as many enemies as possible, Force Pulse on ranged enemies, Puncturing Sweep on enemies in melee range, then heavy attacking periodically when I need resources back. Honor the Dead when I need healing and Repentance only when there are corpses on the ground.
    (Note: if I were leveling, I would want at least 1 skill from Dawn's Wrath on my bar so that I could level that skill line as well. Dawn's Wrath is a pure damage skill line for the most part, so you could easily replace Force Pulse with something from Dawn's Wrath like Sun Fire.)

    Again, the goal is to combine your skills that do damage over time to multiple enemies with the skills that do damage or that do damage + self healing. That's more or less how to maximize DPS in this game. If you eat through your magicka too quickly, throw some heavy attacks, use magicka cost reduction or magicka regen enchantments on jewelry, or use food/drink that helps with magicka use. I like Witchmother's Potent Brew, available for all levels and giving extra health, magicka, and magicka regen.

    If you want to heal as a magicka templar...
    Good news, Magicka Templars make fantastic healers. Even better news, its entirely possible to level up as a healer by doing group dungeons. (I wouldn't recommend doing overland quests as a solo healer - quests are lots easier when enemies die quickly.) Group dungoens currently unlock based on difficulty, so you'll find yourself in dungeons that you are well-equipped to heal.

    For a leveling Magicka Templar, I'd use a Restoration Staff, and a Resto staff/Destro staff once you hit level 15.
    Basic Resto Staff rotation: Healing Springs (awesome AOE heals for multiple players), Rapid Regeneration (good resource return) Breath of Life (the healer's "Oh ****" button for when someone nearly dies), Repentance for resource return, and Puncturing Sweeps, because you will want a damage option.
    As you level up, you can get fancier, throwing out shards and Wall of Elements and doing more DPS, but you can do solid heals with very basic restoration staff and low templar skills.

    For professions, here's how I max them out. You'll need a lot of skill points though, so rushing through the professions may or may not be the best choice. Its also helpful to have at least 30 champion points so you can unlock the Inspiration Boost passive (20% extra inspiration from crafting) but its by no means necessary. It'll just make the grind quicker if you grind for the professions:
    • Alchemy: gather a bunch of two relatively cheap ingredients you know go together. I prefer to create poisons because the poison solvents are plentiful and cheap. Buy poison solvents from guild stores for all the levels (or most of the levels, you can craft with lower solvents you'll just get less exp), stand at the alchemy table and create poisons until you'll hit the level for the next passive.
    • Provisioning: pick a relatively cheap recipe for each level of crafting. Gather a bunch of the ingridients you need to make that recipe. Stand at the provisioning station and create that food/drink until you hit the level for the next recipe.
    • Enchanting: This one sucks, not going to lie. Like Clothing, Blacksmithing, and Woodworking, you'll get far more inspiration exp from deconstructing glyphs than from creating them. So I'd suggest deconning all the glyphs you find as you level, though progress will seem depressingly slow. Once you hit CP 160, continue deconning all those max level glyphs. At about level 40 enchanting, I find a friend with a maxed enchanter, give them a bunch of purple Rekuta and Rejera/Jehade potency runes( the cheapest of the CP 150+) runes and have them craft a bunch of purple-quality glyphs for me to decon. You can do this earlier if you have the resources, I think someone has said it takes about 150ish purple glyphs to level enchanting.
    • Blacksmithing/Clothing/Woodworking: All of these level the same way. You get more crafting exp from deconstructing items than from creating. Early-game I recommend starting to research gear as often as you can because that will enable you to make use of the crafted set stations for yourself, though you can buy crafted gear or ask crafters to make it for you as well.
      Options for leveling these crafts aka how to decon as much stuff as possible:
      1. Get a crafting partner. You both make stuff, trade it, and decon the other person's gear.
      2. Decon all the overland loot you don't need. If you get a quest reward you don't need, decon it. Related, if you have a max level friend or guild mate who's willing to throw the random loot they don't want your way, that's a great way to decon higher level gear.
      3. Decon every piece of "Intricate" trait gear you can find. Intricate trait gear gives you extra crafting exp. You can decon these as you find them, or if you have enough money, just buy them. Intricate trait items are commonly sold on guild stores so its pretty easy to find them in bulk, and then go and decon them in a huge bunch. That's an expensive way to do it in one chunk but also a very quick method.
  • khornelord
    wow..thanks so much...questions:

    Skill that do damage over time (DOT): I'd strongly suggest adding Wall of Elements (Destro Staff) to your rotation. Wall of Elements does DOTs over an area, so you can do constant damage to multiple enemies while you swap to doing single-target damage. (I'd suggest using Wall of Elements instead of Destructive Reach, which has cool effects but doesn't give you DOTs on multiple enemies.) As you level up, the Templar skill Spear Shards is another amazing DOT skill that also lets allies restore resources.

    is that in destro staff? i dont see WoE anywhere


    Skills that heal you: Repentance is a good choice, especially since you get resources from this skill. If you are struggling with resources, make sure you working a heavy attack now and then. Honor the Dead is a fine skill, but the majority of end-game healers will use Breath of Life, so that may be something to consider.

    cantr fine BoL either?

    the game is new, but i play wow/swtor since beta...this is...diff :)
  • VaranisArano
    Yeah, Wall of Elements should be the second skill on the Destro Staff. It might have a slightly different name - it morphs to Elemental Blockade or Unstable Wall of Elements.

    Breath of Life is the other morph of Rushed Ceremony. You've got the Honor the Dead morph, so you'd have to use the respec shrine in a capital city to re-morph it if you wanted to. Again, Honor the Dead is a fine choice, just less used in end-game content.

    And yes, leveling in ESO can get interesting. The honest truth is that you can complete overland quests with just about any skills you want on your bar. You won't do badly if you don't use the skills I suggested, you actually do just fine. I've just tried to give you some idea about how to combine different types of skills in ways that will give you better DPS. Once you get comfortable with combining those types of skills, you can apply that knowledge to just about any class or build.

  • khornelord
    btw...it’s prof dailies just a pita?

    btw starting a 2nd toon...redguard warder...OMG NOW what?
  • VaranisArano
    A redguard warden sounds like a ton of fun. Mine is a Dunmer, but Redguard is a better race for it with racial bonuses.

    Basic leveling: Redguards get a lot of bonuses to stamina. So that means attributes in stamina, bows, one-handed and shield, two-handed or dual wield, and probably medium armor.

    Bread and butter skills: Ice cloak (I know its magicka, you still want that sweet physical and spell resistance), Cliff racers (stamina morph), Shalks (stamina morph), and whichever weapon skills you want. Healing - take the stamina morphs on green balance skills.
  • khornelord
    for warden...all stat no magicka for skill;s?
  • VaranisArano
    khornelord wrote: »
    for warden...all stat no magicka for skill;s?

    I'd go all stamina, with only as much health as you need to feel comfortable. you can always respec your skill points later. I have plenty of magicka for casting ice cloak. Now, you'll be using magicka to cast your class skills until you can morph them to stamina, so if you need a little more magicka, that's totally fine.
  • khornelord
    ok...another quest that just killed me...well,

    find the stolen goods solo guy, agolas...died died died
    confront gorag...died died died
    defeat the queens consort...died died died

    wtf...do i just suck or?
  • VaranisArano
    What's killing you?

    The enemies, duh, I know. But what's getting you to the point of death?

    Are you dying on regular enemies (around 30k HP) or boss enemies (around 115khp) or both?
    Are you running out of magicka/stamina to do attacks? - more heavy attacks and pop a potion when you need it, make sure you've got a food or drink buff active
    Are you doing very little damage? - check your weapon and make sure its close to your current level
    Are the enemies' attacks hitting you really hard? - check your armor and make sure its close to your current level
    Are you following the combat mechanics - blocking, bashing, dodging? - following the mechanics makes fights a lot easier

    The Queen's Consort is a World Boss, so you'll want a group of players to take him on. If you are dying, stand back and pay attention to the mechanics. World Bosses are pretty much the final boss of a normal group dungeon. I think the other two are NPC bosses, so they'll have more health than regular NPCs. If you are struggling with NPC bosses, I recommend kiting them while doing lots of heavy attacks to regain resources, since you probably will have to heal. My MagWarden I leveled with no CP often died once or twice to NPC bosses until I figured out how to damage doing damage, healing, and heavy attacks for sustain. Its also a really good idea to save an ultimate for the boss fight if you can.

    And no, you don't suck. I didn't particularly enjoy leveling my Templar either. Mine did solid damage, but nothing that was going to let me blaze through the quests. Not having CP does make those NPC bosses tougher, and like I said, my No CP MagWarden often died once or twice per boss learning the mechanics and balancing damage with heals and sustain.
  • khornelord
    cool...i die because i cant kill him fast enough with 2-3 hits...i am 34 now...most of my gear is 5 set 30 stuff

    any room in your guild???
  • VaranisArano
    khornelord wrote: »
    cool...i die because i cant kill him fast enough with 2-3 hits...i am 34 now...most of my gear is 5 set 30 stuff

    any room in your guild???

    Sorry, which guild? I'm in five of them.
  • Nestor
    khornelord wrote: »

    not a big question, but using the professions...i use the dailies for all but nothing else. what is the best way to level the profs?

    My thoughts after leveling 11 characters to 50 in all the crafts:

    Here is the thing about Crafting, you don't need it until End Game (post CP160) but you can level it in preparation with few to no skill points invested. Crafting can eat up 122 Skill Points to fully invest, so this will gimp your combat while leveling. Best to invest as few points as possible while leveling your character and crafting.

    Equipment Crafting

    Decon all mob loot other than what you are using to research traits. Research traits, learn two on all items you would use, then learn 3, etc. Focus on Divines, Infused and Training for your first three for Armor, Sharpened, Precise and Training for your Weapons. Then go for the other ones. Nirn is expensive, and a lot of people suggest putting a priority on that, I can't see why. The Trait is all but useless for Armor or Weapons. Best place to find Mob Loot is Public Dungeons, then over land grind spots. Grind on mobs until your bags are full, then go on a decon fest. Remembering to save the ones you need or want to research. Use the Lock Function and or an Inventory Mule to hang on to those. Only invest Skill points while leveling it into the Research and Extraction Passive, the last really only needing one point.


    Ignore all the "advice" on the web about using an enchanting partner. First, use Mob Loot decon to raise this up to a point. Later on as you approach end game have some some gold, then start making Green, Blue or Purple Glyphs on one character and decon them on an Alt. You will level Enchanting faster than trading the glyphs with another player, which is tedious by the way. (like pull out your hair and make a doily tedious). Use Green up to about L15 in the Enchanting Skill, Blue up to about L30/35 and Purple up to about L46/47. Then learn the runes you don't know, you should be at or near 50, if not, make/decon some more Purples.

    Provisioning and Alchemy

    Don't worry about these, you can level these professions in about an 20 minutes, for both. Just collect the Various Solvents and Reagents and Provisioning Ingredients/Recipes as you go along. Once end game, then you can level it. Use Mushrooms to level Alchemy, or Flowers that make potions you won't use. Make sure you grab solvents (waters) as your leveling as they can be rare to find in the guild stores. For Provisioning, make the highest level Green Recipes you can make. Blue or Purples do not give any more inspiration than Greens, so save those for character use.

    Yes, use Drop Sets for now, and Yes, level your crafting skills and do the Trait Research. Traits are why you craft as they allow you to make Special Crafted Sets. There are two sets in the game that your going to want to make, Julianos for your Magic Characters, and Hundings Rage for your Stamina Characters. There are no better sets in the game to have 5 pieces of. Period. Well, Twice Born Star is great to, but your a year out from making that. But you need to start learning your traits now.

    Leveling Equipment Crafting is easy, just decon the mob loot you are not either selling to cover repairs or using to research traits. No skill points needed while leveling it, other than maybe a point or two into the Extraction Passives.

    Back to the Crafted Sets, it takes 6 traits known to be able to make Hundings or Julianos, 9 Traits for Twice Born Star. You don't need to know these traits on everything, but you do need to know them on the items you will use. So, start learning those traits. Focus on the gear you will use first, then fill in the rest later. This means:

    Heavy Chest/Legs
    Light Feet/Hands/Waist
    Shoulders and Heads are good to, but there are 2 Piece Monster sets that can take up those slots. So learn the traits on these pieces, but prioritize the ones above.
    Staves (all 4 of them)

    All Medium Armors
    Daggers, Swords, Bow and Shield

    Learn Training, Divines and Infused on the Armors first, Sharpened, Precise, Infused and Training on the Weapons. Powered is good for the Healing Staff, Defending is good for Sword or other one handed Melee. Then fill in the rest until you have 6 or eventually 9 traits. Some people recommend Nirn as an early trait to learn. Unless they change it, don't listen to them. You might use it on a Shield or a Weapon but that is about it. You need it someday, but it's expensive and you need your gold for other things.

    Invest the skill points into the Research Passives. I can't stress enough how much of a time sink Trait Research is. Be able to learn more than one at a time, and reduce the time needed. Get an addon for Trait Research Tracking, I recommend Craft Store. If your on the Consoles, find one of the spreadsheets out there or make one to track this. Have I mentioned you need to learn your traits?

    Doing this you will be ready to invest skill points into Crafting when it matters and not have to spend months getting ready. Did I mention Trait Research and how much a time sink it is? The last two traits will take you a month each to learn, on each item you learn them on. Get started now, yesterday would have been better.
    Edited by Nestor on January 11, 2018 8:43PM
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • khornelord
    ok...my gear

    beech inferno staff of frost l32
    hat/seducer l30
    shirt/sed 30
    epaulets/sed 30
    war maidens sash l31 purple
    gloves/sed 30
    breechs/sed 30
    shoes/sed l30
    necklace of sant l30
    ring of prayer 33
    ring of willpwer ll33 purple
  • khornelord
    another q?. ever killing trash...i use elemntal block to start, then punc sweep or vmp bane...and punc to heal or rep III
  • VaranisArano
    My question about your gear and your level had more to do with Battle-leveling. When you're leveling, you are scaled to CP 160 so you match the mobs. Your stats depend on your gear and the closer your gear is to your level, the better your stats will be. I can usually be okay within 5 or so levels of my current level, but any lower than that and I start to feel really squishy.

    Anyway, seducers is a nice set.

    And yeah, you won't be able to kill NPC bosses in 2-3 hits. Nobody does that, really. So rather than trying to fight them exactly like you would a normal NPC, I found success in kiting them (I get hit less), damaging them as much as I could but not so much that I couldn't heal, heavy attacking for resource, and blocking, bashing, and dodging. It was a much slower pace than against regular enemies because it really was a balancing act. if I did too much heals and not enough damage, the fight dragged on beyond my ability to sustain. If I did too much damage and had nothing for heals, cue running like a chicken with my head cut off trying to regain resources.
  • khornelord
    ok...as my templar...i die a lot...trying to kill urlon uce-heart...dead in 10 secs. with a rotation...hit the punc over and over or let it go for the 2-3 sec per hit? i run out of magicka so fast
  • khornelord
    12 mins...down to 20%...one shot dead urfon
  • khornelord
    oh...i have no guild yet
  • VaranisArano
    Oh, Urfon Ice-heart is a hard one. If you are running out of resources, I'd try mixing up the Puncture with some heavy attacks to restore magicka. Judging by the other forum threads about him, you are far from the only player to struggle on him.

    For guilds, you'll see plenty of advertisements so go ahead and respond to anyone you'd think you'd like. You can also ask in the forums here - there's guild recruitment forums for each platform/server.

    I'm on PC/NA, so if you are also on PC/NA, I can invite you to one of the guild's I'm in. Rusty Old Dragons tends to be pretty welcoming to new players, has a decent guild trader, a weekly auction and plenty of activities. They also have guild crafters who can provide free gear up to CP 140 blue quality.
  • Loc2262
    #1 rule as a magicka char in difficult fights: Always keep your shield up. You'll remember that once you do Maelstrom Arena. ;)

    What kind of boss is that Urfon Ice-Heart? A worldboss? If so, you're not supposed at all to do those solo at level 30. ;)

    Edited by Loc2262 on January 12, 2018 10:13AM
    Kind regards,
    PC-EU, 12 chars, 900+CP
  • VaranisArano
    Loc2262 wrote: »
    #1 rule as a magicka char in difficult fights: Always keep your shield up. You'll remember that once you do Maelstrom Arena. ;)

    What kind of boss is that Urfon Ice-Heart? A worldboss? If so, you're not supposed at all to do those solo at level 30. ;)

    He's playing a templar, so unless he's unlocked the light armor skill, or blazing shield, no shields.

    Urfon Ice-heart is the NPC boss at the end of the quest in Frostbreak Fortress in the Wrothgar DLC. Not a world boss, but a difficult quest boss.
  • Loc2262
    Ah okay, I see.

    Well I'm assuming that as a magicka player, no matter the class, he'd be using light armor and the corresponding shield skill in any case. :) At least I always do that. Makes life much easier in difficult fights.
    Kind regards,
    PC-EU, 12 chars, 900+CP
  • khornelord
    can’t use a shield with a staff correct?

  • Loc2262
    You can, we're talking about a damage shield skill, not physical shield as in weapon gear. :) Light Armor has a shield skill whose strength is magicka based, so any magicka player can have an efficient damage shield. You need 5 pieces of any light armor equipped, that's all. Try it, it helps tremendously.
    Edited by Loc2262 on January 13, 2018 9:46AM
    Kind regards,
    PC-EU, 12 chars, 900+CP
  • khornelord
    thanks! i will check it out

    i thing i have going to re-do my skills...too many blahs
  • khornelord

    ok i re-did my skills...maybe wrong? lets start over for attacks/healing etc. i wanted to get more prof stuff (bs, cloth etc but maybe did it wrong.) i have like about 55 skills...any help? dangit?
  • Loc2262
    What's the question exactly?
    Kind regards,
    PC-EU, 12 chars, 900+CP
  • khornelord
    i am not sure if my skills are correct....

    force pulse
    punc sweep

    the quiestion that I am not sure it...what passive abil should I use?
  • VaranisArano
    khornelord wrote: »
    i am not sure if my skills are correct....

    force pulse
    punc sweep

    the quiestion that I am not sure it...what passive abil should I use?

    That looks like a pretty good set of abilities. If by passive abilities you meant the passive that go with class, weapon, and armor skills lines, you want to grab all the ones that seem beneficial. Passives that give you better sustain with cost reduction or magicka regen are very helpful, so are passives that give you better damage. If by passive ability you meant ultimate, you can change that based on your needs.

    If you need a quick-regening ultimate that you can use on more than boss fights, grab the Aedric Spear ultimate. Its cheap and you can regen it quickly.
    If you need a hard-hitting ultimate that you'll probably only use on boss fights, grab the Dawn's Wrath ultimate. This one does a lot more damage over time but is much slower to regen. If you are doing group content, this one has a nice synergy for your group to use for extra damage.
    If you need a source of healing that doesn't come from your magicka pool, grab the Restoring Light ultimate. This isn't the most handy of ultimates to use, but it gives you a way to heal yourself when you are out of magicka and used your potions, so if that situation is happening a lot, your healing ultimate is a good choice.
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