@Magdalina - LOL you crack me up, Magadlina. I think the artists they have now aren't the same ones the company used initially in creating the game. I could be wrong about that, but is it so far fetched to think that with the releasing of the original devs to other jobs and incoming of different devs it stands to reason that the original artists aren't here as well?
DieAlteHexe wrote: »Hey, at least your store updated. Mine is still the same as pre-maint.
DieAlteHexe wrote: »Hey, at least your store updated. Mine is still the same as pre-maint.
The Store won't update until the 4th.
And they're not just minor reskins and mesh-tweaks of the two Bosmer costumes either, right?Kali_Despoine wrote: »so I was checking out the crown store update and I saw this pure laziness
They are selling the same reskined item at the same time
Now I know the game will never be fixed proper
All these people complaining about the costumes just means I'll be one of the only ones walking around actually wearing them, making me more unique.
I call that a win really.
ajdawson18ub17_ESO wrote: »All these people complaining about the costumes just means I'll be one of the only ones walking around actually wearing them, making me more unique.
I call that a win really.
The essential purpose of this post was to point out how the costumes themselves are not "unique" lol...
I could take them but will most likely leave them...
Both are based on the same mesh, only the fancier one has a front flap added to the skirt and extra arm bands on the lower arms, and was given different textures (colors/pattern). They aren't really that "legitimately different" as you say.Dude. If you can't even tell those are still legitimately different models, then I dunno what to tell you.