SisterGoat wrote: »Not sure if trolling or if you have literally no knowledge of ESO's lore.
SisterGoat wrote: »Not sure if trolling or if you have literally no knowledge of ESO's lore.
SirGabenOfSteamia wrote: »
Tbf, Dragons do exist at the time of ESO. It would be completely lore friendly to have a dragon/lesser dragon mount. Only problem would be how it would move because flying mounts are probably never gonna happen
lordrichter wrote: »Dragons are intelligent and powerful creatures that exist at the time of ESO, but are not around at the time of ESO. There is one (1) dragon that we know of that is around, and he sits quietly atop Throat of the World, forgotten by almost all.
SirGabenOfSteamia wrote: »
Tbf, Dragons do exist at the time of ESO. It would be completely lore friendly to have a dragon/lesser dragon mount. Only problem would be how it would move because flying mounts are probably never gonna happen
WhiteCoatSyndrome wrote: »
Minor point: there are more than one around, just not very many. Nafaalilargus isn't dead yet, nor is Mirmulnir nor Ahbiilok as far as we know.
But even if they're alive, they have absolutely no reason to come out of hiding just to be glorified horses. The Dragonguard is still hunting them after all.
I do but we need dragon mounts :0
lordrichter wrote: »I sort of think the Dragonguard is rather toothless by the time of ESO. Maybe long in the tooth is a better way to put it. Even the Dragon Knights flitting all over Tamriel are just wannabe Dragonguard, not the real thing. Is a Dragon Knight really a threat to anything, these days?
SirGabenOfSteamia wrote: »
Tbf, Dragons do exist at the time of ESO. It would be completely lore friendly to have a dragon/lesser dragon mount. Only problem would be how it would move because flying mounts are probably never gonna happen
SydneyGrey wrote: »As others have said, there are a couple of dragons still alive in the time of ESO, but it would be lore-breaking to have them be mounts for us.
There IS precedence for a dragon mount, though ... In the Dragonborn expansion, the main bad guy rode a dragon. But it wouldn't work in ESO for two reasons:
1. It would be pretty immersion-breaking for a bunch of us to be riding around on dragons, when 99% of them are dead and under the earth right now, and
2. They're huge. When people mount one near a wayshrine, or any city, the dragon would immediately clip into a bunch of people nearby. It's bad enough that I'm constantly disappearing into people's bears. LOL. I wouldn't want giant mounts for this reason. The bigger the mount (or pet) is, the more obnoxious it gets.
But of course it's up to the ESO team if they want to make it happen.
BloodWolfe wrote: »
No, we do NOT need dragon mounts! Go play WoW or some other game if that's what you want. It will NEVER happen here, it would be ridiculously lore breaking to say the least.
How do you think the Dragons currently living survived into the future? If they eat some Nords flock eventually the people will rise up and take em down, but if they taxi people around for a sheep or two no ones going to try and kill em.
Dragons, being dragons, embraced their role as god-kings over men. After all, were they not fashioned in Akatosh's own image? Were they not superior in every way to the hordes of small, soft creatures that worshipped them? For dragons, power equals truth. They had the power, so therefore it must be truth. Dragons granted small amounts of power to the dragon priests in exchange for absolute obedience. In turn, the dragon priests ruled men as equals to the kings. Dragons, of course, could not be bothered with actually ruling.
In Atmora, where Ysgramor and his people came from, the dragon priests demanded tribute and set down laws and codes of living that kept peace between dragons and men. In Tamriel, they were not nearly as benevolent. It's unclear if this was due to an ambitious dragon priest, or a particular dragon, or a series of weak kings. Whatever the cause, the dragon priests began to rule with an iron fist, making virtual slaves of the rest of the population.
When the populace rebelled, the dragon priests retaliated. When the dragon priests could not collect the tribute or control the masses, the dragons' response was swift and brutal. So it was the Dragon War began.
At first, men died by the thousands. The ancient texts reveal that a few dragons took the side of men. Why they did this is not known. The priests of the Nine Divines claim it was Akatosh himself that intervened. From these dragons men learned magics to use against dragons. The tide began to turn and dragons began to die too.
The war was long and bloody. The dragon priests were overthrown and dragons were slaughtered in large numbers. The surviving dragons scattered, choosing to live in remote places away from men. The dragon cult itself adapted and survived. They built the dragon mounds, entombing the remains of dragons that fell in the war. They believed that one day the dragons would rise again and reward the faithful.