is dependent what is the definition of good is lolWaffennacht wrote: »It takes a while to get use to PvP, takes even longer to get good
Despite people willing to help you and give you viable working counters to all these things you repeatedly complain about in all your posts. You still believe it's macros, cheating, or exploiting an armor set or combat mechanic. That's why you keep dieing cause you refuse to learn the game and blame macros and such. And btw if someone is wearing eternal hunt set, maybe repeatedly chasing them around the tree isn't a good idea. Learn and adapt or donate AP, choice is yours!
Waffennacht wrote: »I'm gonna guess you're a damage dealer, which makes you susceptible to burst.
I gather from your post your opponent was using LoS - if he's good, you aren't gonna win in this situation.
Los does make me unhappy as well, but once you learn to disengage and use it yourself in non duels, it's pretty entertaining
charley222 wrote: »the end is coming for me
...the little game cat and mouse start running around the stone and tree
maybe repeatedly chasing them around the tree isn't a good idea.
Waffennacht wrote: »It takes a while to get use to PvP, takes even longer to get good
VaranisArano wrote: »Okay, I've given you advice about surviving burst attacks multiple times on threads. Seems you still have the same problems with getting burst down by nightblades. Some of that's going to come down to your opponent knowing what to do and executing their skills effectively. Some of that comes down to not adjusting your build to make yourself less vulnerable to burst.
But for anyone interested in being less vulnerable to burst, I'll give the advice again.
A. Wear Impenetrable trait gear. No sense in letting bursty builds crit you as well.
B. Get tankier. More health, more resistances, more armor - whatever your preference is. Your goal is to survive long enough to fight back. If you survive the initial hit, you have a fighting chance. After that, it'll be your skill vs your opponent's skill.
C. Use your increased tankiness to learn how to survive so you don't need to stay tanky. I trained my magDK healer with Plague Doctor until I learned how to survive and switched back to light armor with no real decrease in survivability. I'm currently learning a stam warden wearing medium fortified brass so I can survive better in my medium gear that has much less resistance but lots more damage.
D. Accept that you are still going to die a lot. Everyone dies in PVP.
Now the second part of your complaints, OP, was a clear case of Line of Sight.
Line of Sight is not broken or even a bad way to play. Its using the environment around you to dodge attacks and lure players into choke points. Line of Sight is available to ALL players, including both nightblades and the 1vXer tanks. Now, its true that Line of Sight is particularly well used by some nightblades with invisibility and cloak, but its also a favorite of players using Mist Form - available to ALL players through the Vampire skill line. Line of Sight is not unique to nightblades. You'll see it used by lots of players so its worth knowing some counters.
Counters to Line of Sighters - with or without stealth
1. Detection. Whether you use skills or detect pots, ALL players have access to abilites that can detect stealthed players
2. Situational Awareness. Line of Sight works best on opponents that get tunnel vision, so focused on killing the Line of Sighter that they aren't paying attention to where they are going. Pay attention to where they are going without following right in their footsteps. Pay attention to where you are going so they can't turn around and trap you. Pay attention to when they aren't getting hit by abilities so you aren't wasting your resources failing to hit them behind a tree.
3. Know which skills work. Bleeds, poisons, DOTs, roots, stuns, fears. Those may not be 100% effective, but they'll help with keeping up the pressure against an opponent that is dodging behind tress and rocks and thus trying to buy time where they aren't getting hit.
4. Numbers. This one is situational, because you don't always have numbers on your side. But sufficient numbers of enemy players motivated to hunt down and kill that line of sighter are going to win. The line of sighter will be all "You zerged me!" and the "zergers" will respond "Yeah, you ran and ran. If you'd stood and fought, you'd been dead much earlier. All you did is died tired."
Finally, the most important counter.
If someone has invested into their build to make themselves a champion at hitting from stealth, then running away, and running away, until they finally get to where they want to fight (but if you start winning, they'll run away and run away again until they want to fight), is it really worth wasting your time on them?
Personally, I can't stand fighting people who think its fun to run away and line of sight the moment they start losing the fight and then stick around trying to lure me into fighting them like they're totally not going to turn tail and run the moment I start winning. Its a fool's bargain. In the words of Admiral Ackbar, "Its a trap!"
The way to win is not to play. If someone's that invested in running away, I'm not too worried about their ability to kill me if I don't chase them. I'm going to have zero fun chasing them because that's their strength, not mine. I'm going to go have fun by playing to my strengths and leave them alone with no one to play with. Thus, I win.
You aren't going to win every fight no matter how good you are.
If you keep losing to nightblades, maybe you should work on your counters to nightblades or other burst builds.
If you can't keep up with a Line of Sighter, either adjust your play so you can deal with a line of sighter or decide that playing with a line of sighter is a trap that you can walk away from and have more fun doing something else.