I do not like head gear showing in any game of any kind, with a very very few exceptions in a few games (3 hats/masks in my 10+ years of mmo-ing) . And even then only some of the time. So I do not like them regardless of source, crown store, crafted, dropped. In any game I play Hide helm is about the first thing I do. Shoulders second though most games unfortunately don't support that.
I only like a couple of hats and masks. Being able to combine the hats etc. with the chosen haircuts on characters - instead of them appearing bald - would make all options 64251143% more attractive! If that were the case, I'd probably buy them way more often from the crown store as well. Right now I save my sub crowns for outrageous haircuts, nice costumes, and pet/mounts, with only the occasional hat or mask. The one I use most is the Flannel Forester’s Hood which I got from a crown crate ages ago. It actually flows really nice, dyes fairly well, and for female characters the baldness doesn't really.. show?
All of them? No. Some of them? Sure. If this is about hair disappearing, I mostly play Khajiits and think that human hair looks weird on them, soo I don't really have that problem.