[PS4][NA] After random dungeon I am not returned to my house

This is another bug that's not game breaking but is annoying. I first noticed it when the New Life Festival started.

If I'm in my primary residence and accept a random dungeon, upon completion of the dungeon I'm returned to the place I was *before* I went to my house. Sometimes it's right outside the front door if I went there on foot/mount, but more often than not I had ported to my house from some other zone and it returns me to that zone instead of my house.

If I start the session in my house and take a random dungeon right away rather than go outside, when the dungeon ends I'm standing outside the door to my house, instead of inside the property.

Hopefully this can get sorted out. I use my house as dungeon launching pad quite often and it would be nice to go straight home after leaving a run than have to port back because I was dropped somewhere out in the wilderness.

Editing to add: I don't know if this is significant or not but the house in question is Sleek Creek in Rawl'kha.
Edited by uzbachchi on December 29, 2017 4:56PM
  • Shadowshire
    WARNING: LONG!, and contains compound complex sentences (Note: since I play on PC NA, I don't know whether the same behavior described in the OP occurs in that context, but it seems very likely to me that it does.)

    If I'm in my primary residence and accept a random dungeon, upon completion of the dungeon I'm returned to the place I was *before* I went to my house. Sometimes it's right outside the front door if I went there on foot/mount, but more often than not I had ported to my house from some other zone and it returns me to that zone instead of my house. ....
    Technically, each player's respective Homestead is an individual "instance" in the Game. Although they appear as a building and/or as a walled-off area in the Game, when a character "enters" or "leaves" a Homestead, the software displays a transition (AKA "loading") screen. The screen is shown while the character is either (a) transferred from the Game instance in which the character is currently located to an instance of the Homestead, or (b) transferred from the Homestead instance to a location in an instance of the Game, i.e., a location which is adjacent to an entrance for the Homestead in that Game instance.

    This also applies to delves, dungeons, and trials, and sometimes to part of a quest (or even to all of it). That is, each and every one, respectively, is a separate "instance" that connects with another instance of the Game in which there is an transit location to/from the delve, dungeon, trial, or quest instance.

    While a character is in such an instance, they are not, literally, also located anywhere else. But when a character exits such an instance, they are ordinarily returned to their previous location in an instance of the Game. (It should be the same instance of the Game into which the character was previously loaded, unless there is some justification for changing it to another instance of the Game instead.) In some cases, however, when a character uses a portal to exit an instance (especially during a quest) it might transfer the character to a location either in the Game or within another instance, that is not the location from which they entered the instance.

    With respect to delves, dungeons, and trials, a player can change the location to which their character will be relocated, when the character leaves, by using the "teleport" feature. That is, the player acesses the main map, selects a Wayshrine, and agrees to pay the coin charge to relocate their character to that Wayshrine. However, I do not know whether that will work if the player selects a Homestead which they own instead of a Wayshrine. Perhaps you should try it.

    Frankly, the behavior you described is most likely what the software is designed to do. Unfortunately, there are a few Homesteads that have two or more entrances, each of which is also an exit. Regardless of which entrance the character used, and regardless of which exit the character uses, the character will always be relocated to the specific location adjacent to just one of the entrances.

    That was corrected in the Homestead update on the PTS so that a character who exits a door or gate will be located just outside the same door or gate afterward. However, ZOS did not use the corrected software when they released that update of the game. That decision really does prominently degrade the design of the game, and such an outcome to the transition completely shatters any immersion of the player in the course of play. Personally, I have had no respect for ZOS and its decision-makers since, not that they care while enough profit flows to their pockets.

    Certainly, I agree that the software design should be changed so that your character returns to the Homestead instance in which the character was "located" before being transferred to the particular instance of the dungeon. But I doubt that ZOS will take the time to make the change, and, like the similar flaw that I described, it will just become yet another design flaw that they will never rectify.

    Edited by Shadowshire on December 31, 2017 4:10AM
    --- Shadowshire .......... ESO Plus on PC NA with Windows 7 Pro SP1

    nil carborundum illegitimi
  • uzbachchi
    It could be what you're saying but until very recently I could accept a random dungeon and when I left group at the end and it said "removing from area" it would put me back in my house. It doesn't do that anymore.

    I guess I'm just going to have to start porting out to my house *then* leave group if I want to be home again instead of landing out in Eastmarch or Betnikh or somewhere.
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