I know this doesnt belong here, but general forums do get more visability (inb4 moved...)
I have na i5 3,4 (oc to 3,8), gtx 970, 16 gb ram and a crappy very old harddrive
I used every trick and change i could find for the fps increase ( ini.settings file changes, unparked cpu,nvidia coontrol panel settings, high priority process...etc..e.tc)
i got to a point where i have very steady 60 fps everywhere, still working on some stuttering (been messing with the NUMJobs setting, sometimes it seems to make it go away) .My fps can be up to steady 80-90 but i only have a 60hz monitor so it creates alot of tearing, therefore it looks/feels better with the vsync on nvidia settings turned on.
Now, i can handle lower fps in cities...but it really sucks in cyro! Some people say my crappy harddrive(not even SSD) is bottlenecking my computer.
I would REALLY like to have them more stable in cyro, so many poeple can do it with computer stats similar to mine (even streamers WHILE streaming..)
Because in the end, despite game mechanics and balance and pvp shanennigans, one thign that will REALLY ruin your gametime is crappy fps...
Anyone know anymore tweaks that really worked for them on improving fps in cyro ?
( i tried lowering some settings , changing quality seems to ahve zero impact...i lwoered the rendering distanc eto very cvery low(like 40) and the particles thign is down to the very minimum. turnign off grass and bloow and all those other settings at the bottom makes zero diference as well)