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Fresh lvl 50 and I am lost!

Hi all,

i am a templar healer on the EU PC server and I am lost. Maybe overwhelmed is the right word.

I just got to lvl 50 and I have no clue what to do next. I am cleaning my quest log at the moment but for the rest I am just lost.
So far my to do list is:
- get to CP 160
- do all DLC content + core game quest zones
- go to Cyrodill
- daily dungeons from the undaunted camp
- get my crafting to max

I have no clue how to get yellow gear that everyone is showing off and if it even is a must to have to do vet dungeons.
Which DLC to do first, which area should I go to to get nice gear? :) and etc.

I feel like I am missing something and I can't put my finger on it. With this my request if you folks could maybe tell me what to do in the game now :)

I thank you all in advance and wish you all a wonderful day.
    First things first! Grind to CP 160. Then figure out what types of armor sets would work best for your playstyle. You can go to a build site and find this info if you are unsure of how to optimize your class. At that point its time to start grinding the gear that you want. Once you ave collected/crafted the gear you need you can improve it from white to green to blue to purple to gold. There are quite a few youtubers who have documented everything you need to know when it comes to crafting. Id suggest that you look into that. I would explain better but I'm on the clock and oh crap here comes the man! Lol really tho I'm at work and cant go into the level of detail Id like but I'm sure someone else will. YouTube and Google are your friends in this situation. If you are looking for a good end game guide for class I recommend Alcast's website. Hope this helps!

    Edit: Do Wrothgar first! I recommend doing them in the order they came out. Wrothgar, Theives Guild, dark brotherhood, morrowind if you have it then CWC. I feel like I'm missing something but like I said just go by release date when it comes to DLC or you can do them in the way that you want it doesn't really matter aside from some story setups and dialogue as far as I know.
    Edited by RABIDxWOLVERINE on December 18, 2017 8:56PM
    Rhaegar Gregorson, The Ebonheart Centurion - Imperial Dragonknight
    RABIDxWOLVERINE - Xbox One, NA, Ebonheart Pact


  • Nestor

    You don't need to get your gear to Gold. Weapons maybe, but Armor? Nah, Purple is good enough. You also don't even need to worry about gear until your CP160 as that is the only stuff your going to keep.

    Now, how do you want to level from here? Enjoying the content and doing the quests? If that is the case, talk to everyone who who as a quest arrow above their head and help them out. Find a zone you like and go from one end to the other. Probably better to start in Vulkhel Gaurd or Davon's Watch or Daggerfall for each respective Alliance. Follow the quest line and they will move you through the zone to the next one.

    If you just want to grind to CP160, then do what you did before. Although, if you don't have 150 Skill Points, then you better go get Skyshards until you have that many. Because a 64 Skill Point CP160 is even worse than a 64 Skill Point L50
    Edited by Nestor on December 18, 2017 10:23PM
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • ongeburz
    First things first! Grind to CP 160. Then figure out what types of armor sets would work best for your playstyle. You can go to a build site and find this info if you are unsure of how to optimize your class. At that point its time to start grinding the gear that you want. Once you ave collected/crafted the gear you need you can improve it from white to green to blue to purple to gold. There are quite a few youtubers who have documented everything you need to know when it comes to crafting. Id suggest that you look into that. I would explain better but I'm on the clock and oh crap here comes the man! Lol really tho I'm at work and cant go into the level of detail Id like but I'm sure someone else will. YouTube and Google are your friends in this situation. If you are looking for a good end game guide for class I recommend Alcast's website. Hope this helps!

    Edit: Do Wrothgar first! I recommend doing them in the order they came out. Wrothgar, Theives Guild, dark brotherhood, morrowind if you have it then CWC. I feel like I'm missing something but like I said just go by release date when it comes to DLC or you can do them in the way that you want it doesn't really matter aside from some story setups and dialogue as far as I know.


    Thank you for your input. I leveled by just following the quests in each area and kinda minded my own business. While what you describe I already do, it still felt very overwhelming hitting lvl 50 (took me 3 weeks + (casually) as I am limited on time often)). But as you said first to 160 and i already got an idea of the gear I want.
    I have been doing dungeons and have to say they are really fun.

    I have bookmarked Alcast's website there is a lot of good info on it. (thank you for the tip)

    Tomorrow I will start my adventure in Wrothgar, I really enjoy the quests in this game so I hope the DLC's offer the same :))
    The game is big and there is so much to see and do that it's easy to get lost.

    The Imperial city looks fun as well and I hope to visit it soon!

    Thank you once again for your input :)

    I wish you a merry Xmas :smiley:
  • ongeburz
    Nestor wrote: »
    So you zerged dolmens to L50 and never really learned the game?

    You don't need to get your gear to Gold. Weapons maybe, but Armor? Nah, Purple is good enough. You also don't even need to worry about gear until your CP160 as that is the only stuff your going to keep.

    Now, how do you want to level from here? Enjoying the content and doing the quests? If that is the case, talk to everyone who who as a quest arrow above their head and help them out. Find a zone you like and go from one end to the other. Probably better to start in Vulkhel Gaurd or Davon's Watch or Daggerfall for each respective Alliance. Follow the quest line and they will move you through the zone to the next one.

    If you just want to grind to CP160, then do what you did before. Although, if you don't have 150 Skill Points, then you better go get Skyshards until you have that many. Because a 64 Skill Point CP160 is even worse than a 64 Skill Point L50

    Never actually zerged or farmed dolmens (had to google it xD) Just did them to explore my map. I finished several maps while lvling and as I mentioned in my post above I do really enjoy the the questing in the game. I am not really the '' farm one thing person'' I do really enjoy the dungeons and have been healing the normal modes :)

    I do thank you for your advice and will work for sure on getting skill points. I have 112 now as I mentioned above hitting lvl 50 was overwhelming as there is so much to do in the game for new players or new lvl 50's :)

    Once again thank you and I wish you a wonderful christmas :)
  • Nestor
    Wrothgar is a fun zone but has a huge amount of Experience. Really good for leveling Champ Ranks. Good Story too.

    Remember the World Bosses have quests in that zone. You can generally find a group that is running all the bosses and sharing the quests. Check Zone Chat for that. You get a huge amount of Experience for doing those. Especially first time kills. but you can run the 6 bosses every day, and accumulate a few hundred thousand exp points, more so during a Exp event.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • davey1107
    Now your adventures can begin, lol.

    1. Learn now enlightenment works and grind to C160.

    At c160 you can collect highest level gear, so you can start working on a more permanent set. We can discuss sets in a second, but first you need to get to c160. This will only take a couple of weeks due to the “catch up” mechanism called enlightenment, and here’s how it works.

    Once per day you get a buff that lets you earn XP 4x as fast, an allotment of 400k xp. A daily that’s usually worth 8k xp becomes 32k...and this levels skills and earns champion points super fast. You’ll get an on-screen notice each day when your enlightenment comes in (it’ll hit at whatever time you hit level 50 on that character). Your account can “store” up to 12 day’s enlightenment, so you can go on vacation and come back to it. All vet characters on your account draw from the same pool - you don’t get more enlightenment with additional vets, but they can all use it. You can see your enlightenment stats on your character sheet.

    This is going to get you to c160 in a couple of weeks doing anything that earns xp. Tip: use enlightenment to quick level any lagging skills that level via xp. You can create a turn in bar with a bunch of skills that need leveling, then turn in quests on that bar with enlightenment. The skills will level super fast.

    2. Work on a permanent gear setup

    Being vet becomes more about gear configurations. You want to maximize your character’s potential with the right sets. You can start by researching builds here or at alcasthq.com. Then you can collect the sets you want to try.

    Gear quality?

    Once you get your c160 gear, don’t stress about making it gold. You can make it purple, then get comfortable with the setup. Then maybe down the road upgrade to gold when you know you really want that set, and know the investment is worth it. Gold weapons are a worthwhile investment - they’ll boost your power by 15-20%. Gold armor gives you ~3% resistance per piece and a tiny power boost.

    Gold mats?

    You need 8 per piece. The best way to build up a supply is to either farm raw materials and refine them (making sure you invest in the passives that give you more mats from refining) or do daily crafting writs.

    3. Explore the content

    What you play as vet just depends on what you like to play. You can certainly continue any quest lines that interest you. However, skill points are plentiful in the game now, so there’s no imperative to quest if you don’t like it.

    You can clear up any outstanding delves or public dungeons you want to explore.

    You can certainly pvp. If you’re a beginner (and especially since you’re a healer) try grouping up. A good group will be active and chatty and you’ll learn a lot while playing with them. If you ever need a group, put out a zone chat when you get to Cyrodiil “Healer LFG.” You’ll usually get an invite pretty quick.

    Play the undaunted dungeons...the 4 player dungeons, and the dailies that spawn at the undaunted enclaves. There are some decent passives in the undaunted line, and it takes foooooooorever to level, so you can work on this. The only way the line levels is dungeon dailies from the enclaves or a solo delve daily given by Bogrul at the enclave. Note that normal mode dungeons aren’t that hard...if you have a friend a lot of them can be run duo instead of four person. Some can be soloed, especially with a Magplar.

    Collect motifs...if you like crafting gear.

    Vet dungeons and trials. The toughest content in the game probably requires a decent stack of champion points. But depending on your skill level you can try any time. But as a general rule I usually advise new players to start thinking about this content around 300 CPs.

    4. DLC order

    All dlc areas are designed to be standalone. Thus, you can focus on whichever ones interest you. The plots don’t overlap for the most part, although there are some recurring characters. If you want to be a purist, you could play the DLC’s in their release order, which goes Craglorn, imperial city, Wrothgar, Hews Bane, Gold Coast, Morrowind, clockwork City. (Imperial City is more a pvp/pve hybrid zone with only a loose storyline).
  • Beardimus
    DLC wise.

    Imp City is a cool hybrid zone. Good intro to PvP and some pve combined. Ok story line I thought. But after that its a PvP zone really

    Orsinium is awesome. Mega zone, def run through the quest etc and it has Maelstorm so well worth it.

    TG & DB are niche. Nicking and murdering basically. I didn't gel with these

    Two DLCS are just dungeon packs.

    Morrowind is a chapter and I haven't done it yet so can't comment, not too fussed by it or Clockwork city personally.

    So ids say Imp City has mega playabliltiy long term as does Maelstorm and Wrothgar questline is cool. So id start with those two personally.
    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • SydneyGrey
    Now is a fantastic time to get to CP 160. I just did it myself yesterday on the EU server (I usually play on the NA server.) It went surprisingly fast with a mix of doing the New Life Festival quests every day on two characters with the double XP, plus doing some dolmen runs.
    And once you've made it to CP 160, as you know, you'll never have to worry about out-levelling your armor and weapons again. Then the real fun starts, because you'll be able to start collecting pieces of armor sets, which will give your character a HUGE boost in stats.

    Edited by SydneyGrey on December 19, 2017 8:01AM
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