Let me start by saying that I've been playing stealthy, rogue-type characters in MMOs/RPGs for over 20 years. Laugh at my lack of variety if you will, but that is, literally, the only character archetype that I enjoy playing. I played a stealth archer in UO, a rogue in EQ, an infiltrator in DAOC, a rogue in NWN, a rogue in WoW, a Rogue in DDO, and rogues in a slew of single player games as well. Again, it's all I like.
So even though ESO has low, almost-non-existent walls around character archetypes, I chose a stamblade. I played solo to the about CP200 before realizing how low my DPS contribution was. I was, I freely admit, a HORRIBLE DPS stamblade. My first check on a targeting dummy was around 4k. But I found a couple good guilds, some good players to help, and a I practiced. I practiced a ton and still do. I'm happy to say my skeleton dummy DPS is in the mid-20s and I've pulled 29k on several trials bosses.
But when I hear about what mag-based classes are doing, I wonder why the hell someone would want a stamblade in their group, let alone play one. That is, of course, unless you're like me and are going to play the class regardless of performance.
When I look at mag sorcs and magblades and magDKs, I see a huge list of advantages. First, even the newest player with basic crafted gear and a 3-button rotation can pull 25k DPS. But the ones I run with are posting numbers WELL above that. 40k? 50k? 90k?? Yes, I've hears a mag sorc claim he pulled 90k in a trial fight I was in. I contributed 16% of the DPS in that fight and he was almost 4x my DPS.
Second, mag players don't die, stam players do. Ok, that's obvious hyperbole but the advantage of DPSing from range is massive. Combined with the fact that mag players can keep up DPS as the boss moves around and it's almost a joke to play a melee dps.
Finally, mag players all seem to have shields and heals. They solo stuff that my stamblade can't survive for 15 seconds. With flimsy cloth armor and a magic stick, they are the most survivable characters in the game.
When compared to a stam DPS, a mag DPS has it all. There is no tradeoff. There is no balance. Higher damage and higher defense? in 20+ years of MMOs, that's a first.
So...I caved. I built a magblade, donned the dress and the magic stick. Leveled to 50 during the Halloween XP event and gave it a try. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....breath..breath....ROFLMAO......mwahahahahah. Are you kidding me?
With purple seducer armor, blue Mother's Sorrow jewelry, a destro staff, and three, yes, THREE skills, I soloed my first dungeon, solo'd every dolmen I could find, and was pulling high 20s DPS. THREE BUTTONS! My stamblade requires perfect execution of 11 skills and months of practice to get me to 25k and my magblade does it with no practice and three skills.
Well, I gave it another test. I jumped into vMA with my stamblade who is wearing all gold gear. After 15 tries, I cleared Stage 1. I then switched to my magblade. I made it through Stage 4 with those same three skills + the shield that you get from light armor. I died to each boss a couple times but only stopped at Stage 5 because I ran out of time. Again, a magblade with no backbar and a player who hasn't studied anything past Stage 1, made it to Stage 4 on his first try....and probably could have gone further.
Now I understand why I join a trial and it's only the tank and me who aren't carrying a staff.
While this didn't intend to be rant, it certainly ended up as one. So I'll change direction and ask the key question:
What does a stamblade DPS bring to a trial group that a mag-based character does not?
Edited by krachall on December 18, 2017 8:38PM