duendology wrote: »PrayingSeraph wrote: »
Except he expressed very specifically that they are not the only groups. Please read his entire post.
A She..
And it does seem people are selective when reading the OP... hmm..
Group Section 8
Not actually a category but an existential. Out patient. Recently got a third star. Sums most everything up as ect. ect. Leaves a reply. Never saves draft. Doesn't farm but likes potatoes and butter. Sees balance as some political thing. Reaches across the aisle. Always wins at ESO. Likes the grooves one can get into that makes the game flow like cream...sliding down strawberries on a warm summer evening in Coldharbor. ect.
very well said
I see the division differently. I'm speaking generally, but I think it's more of a divide between the pioneers that supported the growth of online computer gaming and a mainstream audience that is now discovering it.
The pioneers used to be the target audience but they've been supplanted by a larger, more general audience. As a result, games are becoming lighter and easier to digest. Learning the rules is optional and there are rewards for everything, no matter how rudimentary. I facepalmed at the start of 2.3 after I was given an achievement and a reward for merely traveling to Abah's Landing via Wayshrine...
We saw the same thing happen to single player games. Most aren't really games anymore, but rather interactive media.
Group 3
Those who've never played an MMO and come from single-player games. Because, ESO has "Elder Scrolls" in the title a ton of players came from this perspective. They often don't understand even the most basic concepts (e.g. what is a tank? what is dps?). However, most are wiling to learn. They start out as lore hounds but stay if they hook up with friends and guilds willing to show them the ropes. They also add a ton to guild chat and are great at explaining why x needs to happen.
I have over one million CP, but your description does not describe me.
Example.. I DO remember how hard the game is when a player is new. Certain places in the game trigger memories of dying over and over while on a quest.
When I was new, I did not think I would be a god at level 50. I logged on, did quests, and eventually started pvping. To be frank, I was oblivious to the intricate parts of the game for the first few months of playing.
I suppose I fall into your "other" group. I'd like to think a lot of us do, but unlike you, I've not been observing others unless I need to, such as my group members and how I can be an asset/compliment to the group. Otherwise I just see others playing the same game and I really think that is nice.
wenchmore420b14_ESO wrote: »I have over one million CP, but your description does not describe me.
Example.. I DO remember how hard the game is when a player is new. Certain places in the game trigger memories of dying over and over while on a quest.
When I was new, I did not think I would be a god at level 50. I logged on, did quests, and eventually started pvping. To be frank, I was oblivious to the intricate parts of the game for the first few months of playing.
I suppose I fall into your "other" group. I'd like to think a lot of us do, but unlike you, I've not been observing others unless I need to, such as my group members and how I can be an asset/compliment to the group. Otherwise I just see others playing the same game and I really think that is nice.
Exaggerate much? Or just throw that "1 million CP" out there for fun???
FYI... Max CP available is 3600....
wenchmore420b14_ESO wrote: »I have over one million CP, but your description does not describe me.
Example.. I DO remember how hard the game is when a player is new. Certain places in the game trigger memories of dying over and over while on a quest.
When I was new, I did not think I would be a god at level 50. I logged on, did quests, and eventually started pvping. To be frank, I was oblivious to the intricate parts of the game for the first few months of playing.
I suppose I fall into your "other" group. I'd like to think a lot of us do, but unlike you, I've not been observing others unless I need to, such as my group members and how I can be an asset/compliment to the group. Otherwise I just see others playing the same game and I really think that is nice.
Exaggerate much? Or just throw that "1 million CP" out there for fun???
FYI... Max CP available is 3600....
The op mentioned one million CP, and I hadn't had coffee yet. I thought the number didn't sound right, but wasn't sure. Checking it, I've got over one thousand. Sorry about that.
duendology wrote: »I think that this kind of generalization is dangerous and inconsistent with reality.
You can't lump everyone into a couple categories and expect that to be an accurate representation. It's not.
People can have wildly different reasons for acting or believing the way they do, even if the result looks similar from the outside.
Instead of trying to categorize people into generalized labels, maybe try inviting them to a discussion where they can express their true selves. Maybe then you'll see what I mean.
Hmm, I find it fascinating how people get so defensive when it comes so called categories, when they themselves need/and create categories in order to get some order in life all the time. Even here on the Forums...They categorize and judge all the time. but that's a different topic, I guess.
Anyway, No, I was not lumping everyone. Where did I give such impression? Again nowhere I even used the word "everyone". I merely observed two groups being specifically "visible" to me within this ESO community. Whether they like it to be categorised as such.. is a different story.
And of course people are different and play for different reasons enjoying different aspects of ESO.T4T2FR34K wrote:So, in summary you have observed that ESO has experienced and inexperienced players...awesome thanks.
Actually, right now I am observing that some people feel the obsessive-compulsive need to comment no matter what.. or they'll suffocate and die otherwise.@ezeepeezeeYou're pretty much describing people in general.
Heh, I do see your point.
The real problem is with division.
My father was teaching an ethics class @ TAMU to the Corp of Cadets (GO Aggies!!!) and he told them about a conversation he and I had. We were discussing racism and he was go on about how he wasn't racist and he had black friends. I ended the discussion when I looked at him and said "That's the difference between you and me dad, I just have friends".
While people make categories and divide things up into neat little packages, that's not how things are and it doesn't matter that YOU have the inane obsessive compulsive rote need to do so to people, you are going to run into problems trying to push circles into your squares.
Division is exactly that, its not building up, its tearing apart.
Not at all. We're not judging you as a category.duendology wrote: »3. Categories are everywhere..people create categories all the time.. people judge all the time.. even you..NOW.
duendology wrote: »The real problem is with division.
My father was teaching an ethics class @ TAMU to the Corp of Cadets (GO Aggies!!!) and he told them about a conversation he and I had. We were discussing racism and he was go on about how he wasn't racist and he had black friends. I ended the discussion when I looked at him and said "That's the difference between you and me dad, I just have friends".
While people make categories and divide things up into neat little packages, that's not how things are and it doesn't matter that YOU have the inane obsessive compulsive rote need to do so to people, you are going to run into problems trying to push circles into your squares.
Division is exactly that, its not building up, its tearing apart.
I agree with what you said.
But I really do believe that you've been taking it all too seriously now, and seeing too much in my OP than it was intended.
duendology wrote: »True. But I am responsible only for what I said.. not your interpretation of it.
On Xbox One there are 2 groups
Group 1: The Elitist *** that can do like 50k+ dps and think they can do vet maelstrom with both hands tied in there sleep or 1vx like a boss and everyone that can't is a scrub that needs to get gud.
Group 2: people that are cool, friendly and awsome but have no idea how to play and will probably never complete a trial or do vet anything that don't mind being bad at the game.
The rarest group is group 3 people that are both good at the game and cool to chill with I've met less than 2 dozen of these people in my time on eso