Steam store is not

The Steam store is not letting me purchase ESO plus. I can't buy it for myself, i can't buy it as a gift, I can't even view my cart when upon adding ESO+ to my card. I would really like to play, but I refuse to play without ESO+. Any ideas why this is happening?
  • kypranb14_ESO
    I've just confirmed that Crowne packages can be added. It's just that ESO+ doesn't go in the cart when you click add to cart. Is it possible to buy ESO+ for a steam account through the homepage?
  • Yagorn
    Try to relaunch steam, if the problem persist, check your wallet and payment history to see if the ESO+ is in your payment history, if so try to cancel the order, can't remember how it's done but you can always contact Steam support to help you there.
  • duendology
    I've just confirmed that Crowne packages can be added. It's just that ESO+ doesn't go in the cart when you click add to cart. Is it possible to buy ESO+ for a steam account through the homepage?

    Where are you from? The service was temporarily disabled in some regions/countries due to currency changes for these regions/countries. it happened to me too..I am from Poland. But I see the ESO Plus subscription back now on Steam. So if that's the case either you need to wait OR purchase ESO Plus directly from store page. Make sure first to cancel your steam subscription AND log in to ESO site with your steam account id (available below the default login/password fields).
    - Redguard StamBlade dps ["bowtard" crafty girl who likes spinning with daggers too.]
    - Breton SorcMag dps [She's got an identity crisis, but I believe in her.]
    - Dunmer Templar dps/healer [she's a healer, then again she likes inferno staff too...]
    - High Elf SorcMag dps [It's quite possible his daddy was a Nord.]

    I am an old-fashioned Goth
  • kypranb14_ESO
    Thanks guys, I ended up solving my own problem almost immediately after posting this by purchasing it from the homepage. Thanks for you help though!
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