Being shot in into the sky in vAA [PS4 NA]

I have no idea what causes this bug but damn it’s annoying.

View on map

What I see

I remember I was trying to dodgeroll out of an AOE and boom I went flying. The tank was the only person that noticed me floating away. If you’re lucky you may land on the area where you’re fighting the boss but I wasn’t lucky and kept falling forever.
  • OutLaw_Nynx
  • idk
    Nice view. At least you took pictures so you can remember your travels for years to come.
    Edited by idk on December 13, 2017 8:33PM
  • OutLaw_Nynx
    I have a video of it as well. Just haven’t had time to edit it lol. It was funny because the tank stopped tanking for a second and was like “hey did anyone else just see OutLaw like... fly?”

    I didn’t get any loot so that kinda sucked
  • LiquidPony
    Happens on XB1 as well. I've reported it here multiple times and I've never had a response.
  • KrishakPanettier
    Oh, the memories.
    Krishak Kringle aka KrishakPanettier, Templar (PSN:KrishakPanettier)
    -- PS4 NA --

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    - Shadow Exiles AD (merged into RAZ AD)
    - Recruiting all levels, for help all in-game content. Not just PVP anymore. Not just AD.

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  • Vaoh
    I’ve run vAA so many times now and never encountered this! Teach me the ways :o
  • OutLaw_Nynx
    Vaoh wrote: »
    I’ve run vAA so many times now and never encountered this! Teach me the ways :o

    Whatever those reflection ads are. I think it like landed on me and I went flying.
  • Vaoh
    Vaoh wrote: »
    I’ve run vAA so many times now and never encountered this! Teach me the ways :o

    Whatever those reflection ads are. I think it like landed on me and I went flying.

    Ahh I see. The few times a reflection ever landed on me, it would always push me back into a mine and kill me :/
  • OutLaw_Nynx
    Vaoh wrote: »
    Vaoh wrote: »
    I’ve run vAA so many times now and never encountered this! Teach me the ways :o

    Whatever those reflection ads are. I think it like landed on me and I went flying.

    Ahh I see. The few times a reflection ever landed on me, it would always push me back into a mine and kill me :/

    In the video I have my character was “stunned” and then went flying lol
  • Vaoh
    Vaoh wrote: »
    Vaoh wrote: »
    I’ve run vAA so many times now and never encountered this! Teach me the ways :o

    Whatever those reflection ads are. I think it like landed on me and I went flying.

    Ahh I see. The few times a reflection ever landed on me, it would always push me back into a mine and kill me :/

    In the video I have my character was “stunned” and then went flying lol

    I’ll try it next time I find myself in AA.

    Also I wonder if there’s anything cool to explore out of map this way. I spend like half my time these days exploring stuff out of map in this game lol.
  • OutLaw_Nynx
    Lol. There was no exploring unless you wanna be a space scout and plummet to your demise!
  • Vaoh
    True. AA is kinda unique because.... well.... there’s no floor :neutral:
  • OutLaw_Nynx
    Go where no raider has gone before, @Vaoh
  • Vaoh
    Go where no raider has gone before, @Vaoh

    We’ll see lol. In AA I bet I’ll find myself having to use the Get Me Unstuck function pretty often flying around.

    Rn my goal in ESO is to find a “GM Island” somewhere. It’s the place where Mods/Gamemasters/etc log in and keep their accounts, and you usually get permabanned when you get there once you’re found out.

    WoW has a place like that and there are vids of it online so I bet something like that has to exist for ESO. No luck yet after getting out of like every zone in the game.
  • OutLaw_Nynx
    Sorry to necro this, but this happened again.
  • Mureel
    Orbs. They do it often. Use shards on tank rock, if you're tank healer, not orbs.
  • OutLaw_Nynx
    I’m not a tank or healer, @Mureel.
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