Max levels? I have a 52K Unbuffed Health Tank and he is no where near the max for health, I have a 42K Magic Sorcerer and she is no where near the max, she also has 3K Spell Damage self buffed, but almost 4.9K Spell Damage with Group Buffs. Thing is, to get to Max in one stat, you have to gimp another. Want lots of Regen, you will probably give up Spell Damage or Max Magic to get that. And, Group Buffs can be huge in how they effect stats.
So, answering your question is just about impossible as to what a single stat could be, as there are so many choices.
You can try playing with this and see what you come up with, and I think there are other build simulators out there too
I've soloed every public dungeon in EP, DC and AD plus half of them in Craglorn. Working on soloing the WBs but only able to kill 2 so far. And it just seems that something just isnt quite there.
Also soloed every delve. I can consistantly get over 50% of the damage in group dungeons but it doesnt feel like Im doing enough.