Seriously, 100+ players in the PC/NA Vivec queue waiting to join the lagfest, meanwhile Shor is dead empty (except for the classic AD *** zergball rolling over a dead campaign with perma-emp chasing pugs and solo players across the map). Why instead of waiting 1 hour to join a lagfest where it takes 5 tries to cast 1 skill, you go to Shor and try to actually have fun at the game?
I know that you have been taught not to use your brain and follow the crown blindly, but still, what can possible be the reason to keep stacking over each other at Vivec? ....
Seriously, 100+ players in the PC/NA Vivec queue waiting to join the lagfest, meanwhile Shor is dead empty (except for the classic AD *** zergball rolling over a dead campaign with perma-emp chasing pugs and solo players across the map). Why instead of waiting 1 hour to join a lagfest where it takes 5 tries to cast 1 skill, you go to Shor and try to actually have fun at the game?
I know that you have been taught not to use your brain and follow the crown blindly, but still, what can possible be the reason to keep stacking over each other at Vivec? ....
It becomes and endless cycle.. As the above posts show.
Unsure how to stop it. Be good.if Zos made other incentives.
Personally want to stack Sotha for decent no-cp action but no one wants to make it home campaign, even tho the playstyle is way better, in my opinion .
Peeps are hard work.
Seriously, 100+ players in the PC/NA Vivec queue waiting to join the lagfest, meanwhile Shor is dead empty (except for the classic AD *** zergball rolling over a dead campaign with perma-emp chasing pugs and solo players across the map). Why instead of waiting 1 hour to join a lagfest where it takes 5 tries to cast 1 skill, you go to Shor and try to actually have fun at the game?
I know that you have been taught not to use your brain and follow the crown blindly, but still, what can possible be the reason to keep stacking over each other at Vivec? ....
Joy_Division wrote: »Seriously, 100+ players in the PC/NA Vivec queue waiting to join the lagfest, meanwhile Shor is dead empty (except for the classic AD *** zergball rolling over a dead campaign with perma-emp chasing pugs and solo players across the map). Why instead of waiting 1 hour to join a lagfest where it takes 5 tries to cast 1 skill, you go to Shor and try to actually have fun at the game?
I know that you have been taught not to use your brain and follow the crown blindly, but still, what can possible be the reason to keep stacking over each other at Vivec? ....
You answered your own question.
Seriously, 100+ players in the PC/NA Vivec queue waiting to join the lagfest, meanwhile Shor is dead empty (except for the classic AD *** zergball rolling over a dead campaign with perma-emp chasing pugs and solo players across the map). Why instead of waiting 1 hour to join a lagfest where it takes 5 tries to cast 1 skill, you go to Shor and try to actually have fun at the game?
I know that you have been taught not to use your brain and follow the crown blindly, but still, what can possible be the reason to keep stacking over each other at Vivec? ....
Drummerx04 wrote: »
- You called everyone you are trying to encourage a stupid brainless zergling.
Joy_Division wrote: »Seriously, 100+ players in the PC/NA Vivec queue waiting to join the lagfest, meanwhile Shor is dead empty (except for the classic AD *** zergball rolling over a dead campaign with perma-emp chasing pugs and solo players across the map). Why instead of waiting 1 hour to join a lagfest where it takes 5 tries to cast 1 skill, you go to Shor and try to actually have fun at the game?
I know that you have been taught not to use your brain and follow the crown blindly, but still, what can possible be the reason to keep stacking over each other at Vivec? ....
You answered your own question.
im not sure that is the reason, the group is not even good, any mediocre zergling guild could face them. And even if they weren't there, the people would be still making line to join Vivec and Shor would still be dead for 95% of the time. One single group can't control an entire camaping if it is populated, they can't be in 2 places at the same time
fastolfv_ESO wrote: »your forgetting when morrowind hit and clockwork the pop caps were lowered, we have the same guilds we have always had here. The only exception is more pve scrubs who need transmutation crystals that pile on to vivec, but in the end its the same amount of people if not less trying to pvp with zenimax trying to force us off to try and make the game look less dead
if PvE players go to PvP to get cristals, that's great, more people to Kill, keeps Cyrodrill alive. Eventualy some of them will end up liking PvP. The problem is that EVERYONE is going to the same camaping, when we CLEARLY have enought population to keep both campains active and alive.
Joy_Division wrote: »Seriously, 100+ players in the PC/NA Vivec queue waiting to join the lagfest, meanwhile Shor is dead empty (except for the classic AD *** zergball rolling over a dead campaign with perma-emp chasing pugs and solo players across the map). Why instead of waiting 1 hour to join a lagfest where it takes 5 tries to cast 1 skill, you go to Shor and try to actually have fun at the game?
I know that you have been taught not to use your brain and follow the crown blindly, but still, what can possible be the reason to keep stacking over each other at Vivec? ....
You answered your own question.
im not sure that is the reason, the group is not even good, any mediocre zergling guild could face them. And even if they weren't there, the people would be still making line to join Vivec and Shor would still be dead for 95% of the time. One single group can't control an entire camaping if it is populated, they can't be in 2 places at the same time
Joy_Division wrote: »Seriously, 100+ players in the PC/NA Vivec queue waiting to join the lagfest, meanwhile Shor is dead empty (except for the classic AD *** zergball rolling over a dead campaign with perma-emp chasing pugs and solo players across the map). Why instead of waiting 1 hour to join a lagfest where it takes 5 tries to cast 1 skill, you go to Shor and try to actually have fun at the game?
I know that you have been taught not to use your brain and follow the crown blindly, but still, what can possible be the reason to keep stacking over each other at Vivec? ....
You answered your own question.
im not sure that is the reason, the group is not even good, any mediocre zergling guild could face them. And even if they weren't there, the people would be still making line to join Vivec and Shor would still be dead for 95% of the time. One single group can't control an entire camaping if it is populated, they can't be in 2 places at the same time
caeliusstarbreaker wrote: »Pvp in Vivec- take resource, take 2 resources, go to bridge or mile gates and find pvp.
Pvp in shor- take resource wait while nothing happens... siege keep to gain attention... get double the siege back at you with no one jumpin down to fight. Or take one of your home keep resources and get mobbed by whatever emp swarm is there.
There really isn’t a middle ground.
Master_Kas wrote: »It becomes and endless cycle.. As the above posts show.
Unsure how to stop it. Be good.if Zos made other incentives.
Personally want to stack Sotha for decent no-cp action but no one wants to make it home campaign, even tho the playstyle is way better, in my opinion, and many many others - like all the people that played BG from launch on no-CP lpving the fast paced action before the CP crutch landed and the zerg boys appeared from vivec following their regular anitcs.
Peeps are hard work.
Fixed that for you