Stam healer... ideas.

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Warden obviously since they have a class stam heal.

Race: Redgaurd.

Bar 1 Sword and board.
Heroic slash, Soothing spores, Vigor, Bone shield, Gaurd, Warhorn.

Bar 2 Bow
Fissure, Endless hail, Ring of Preservation, Netch, Gaurd, Trees

Powerful Assault
War machine / Hircines vinere until I find time to do the trial though. WM is definately better though but that makes me want to use trees instead of Warhorn.
Monster set Troll king or Sentinel of Rkugamz ?

I am not sure if Warrior or Ritual would be better.

The annoying thing is that spores wants to be cast from behind the group but I'll have to be ducking in to slash and trigger regaurd passive all the time. Which could break my guard :/. I am a little concerned over the lack of damage but I am a healer. Endless hail could be bombard for more utilly but its too strong an ability to ignore.
  • raj72616a
    multiple vigor doesnt stack unless they are different morph.

    so you will use unmorphed version of Vigor?
  • Narvuntien
    Echoing vigor..increased healing range... which isn't used much.

    I just read the next line of gaurd.. if I keep killing myself with it.. I'll have to switch but typically dps doesn't actually take that much damage.
    Edited by Narvuntien on December 9, 2017 2:20AM
  • Urza1234
    I have a friend who actually does use a Stamina healer

    Warden Bosmer
    Witchmans, Troll Kings, Agility

    Snipe - Arrow Spray - Frost Cloak - Circle of Protection - Vigor -

    Brawler - Green Lotus - Soothing Spores - Leeching Vines - Bull Netch - Enchanted Forest

    This is from memory, I honestly dont see him using ults other than Enchanted Forest. Witchmans is useful with this because of the Ultimate rebate from Enchanted forest, I think he might actually have too much stamina regen.

    I can tell you from experience that this is definitely a challenge to heal with, mainly because its so positionally based. It has fewer HoTs than other healers, ie why troll kings is useful. Also why Leeching Vines and Green Lotus are vital.

    Brawler is useful in AoE situations and its the only stamina based shield outside of the Barrier ult, it mitigates a low health pool. I dont think he actually has the Barrier on that character yet.

    Circle of Protection is actually a key to this build, it gives your group an obvious place to stand so you're not always chasing people around with your Soothing Spores.

    He also switches to Earthgore on bosses where its effective.

    Idk if any of that is useful to you.

  • Narvuntien
    Earthgore looks great but I don't have that DLC so I can't :(.
  • Tasear
    Powerful assault, hircune as gear choice's

    Skills to consider
    Bone surge for minor vality
    Circle of protection
    Maybe trapping webs for the slow debuff
    Then again caltrops does nicely

    Can you watden ice prison to give them aoe maim

    Warden stamina heals
    Malveloent offering

    Get light the fire buff

    Could use two hander for some herisom, stun , slow statuses

    Could consider hybrid sets like undaunted unwear was it, domnious, twin born..and so others I can't recall
  • Toast_STS
    On the PTS I tried leviathan on a khajit warden with duel daggers. Get like 97% crit chance and dump all CP into blessed and crit heals. Not great but not bad, it's a stamina healer. Not sure what would be best for the other set, Bone Pirate maybe.
    VR14 DK Leaps-in-keeps
  • Narvuntien
    Hmm two hander does give me more weapon damage which I forgot about. I didn't even realise there was a heroism skill in the 2h skill ling. But that does make it hard to use two 5 pc sets and a monster helmet, Powerful assult can triggered and fliped.. so that works fine with War machine but not Hircines.

    What about Troll king, Blessing of the Potentates, Powerful assualt? hmm I still have a free slot. 9 ultimate off trees isn't much but its 25 off warhorn.

    Hmm there is also Redistributor of those tri stat crafted sets, that people often think about.

    I think the cost of vines is cheap enough to use and giving life steal means that I don't need mag scaling to heal. I though about using Orbs since its the resources people want not the healing but its a lot of mag.
  • Runefang
    Not sure if it'll be viable but at the moment I'm thinking:

    2x Troll King (1 heavy, 1 med)
    5x Powerful Assault (2 jewellery, 3 armor)
    5x SPC (2 armor, 1 jewellery, 2 weapons)

    Dual-wield front bar, S&B back bar.

    Infused big with tri-stat, Impen small (or Divines if PvE).

    Echoing Vigor / Soothing Spores / Deceptive Predator / Cutting Dive / Deadly Cloak / Flawless Dawnbreaker
    Balance / Corrupting Pollen / Absorb Magic / Expansive Frost Cloak / Bull Netch / Healing Thicket

    Camoran Throne

    The focus is major buffs and de-buffs to help the group and also to survive as much as possible.

    Edited by Runefang on December 11, 2017 4:12AM
  • IcyDeadPeople
    seems like a challenge, good luck with this project! I would guess bosmer might be better choice than redguard
  • Narvuntien
    If I am playing PVP it will be a Bosmer (AD loyal) and it seems really good in PVP even if I can't get it to work in PVE.

    Does Mechanical Acuity also mean my heals will also crit?

    Pelinal's Aptitude.. hmm hmmm now Its terrible for dps but this will mean my stam heals and mag heals would both be equally strong.

    Oh wait I am dumb... i can wear Nightmothers gaze, sunderflame or Morag tong like trails stam dps players.

    I think Sunderflame seems best actually, I trigger it with a heavy attack I might even go.. bow, bow bosmer stam healer.
    Edited by Narvuntien on December 11, 2017 5:04AM
  • Izaki
    Please no...
    @ Izaki #PCEU
    #FrenchKiss #GoneFor2YearsAndMyGuildDoesn'tRaidAnymore
  • idk
    Reguard would be probably the worst stam based race due to the melee based stam return passive, but you are already noting that.

    The question I have is what do you plan on healing? I assume this is for PvP for whatever reason. Obviously not vet trials since you cannot use an rStaff, well, not very well.
  • GimpyPorcupine
    Green lotus with a bow; the light attacks are super fast, and you get all those "free" heals from them.
    8-hr/day casual on Xbox NA. 20 Characters, all DC, all Level 50. +2600CP
  • Runefang
    Narvuntien wrote: »
    If I am playing PVP it will be a Bosmer (AD loyal) and it seems really good in PVP even if I can't get it to work in PVE.

    Does Mechanical Acuity also mean my heals will also crit?

    Pelinal's Aptitude.. hmm hmmm now Its terrible for dps but this will mean my stam heals and mag heals would both be equally strong.

    Oh wait I am dumb... i can wear Nightmothers gaze, sunderflame or Morag tong like trails stam dps players.

    I think Sunderflame seems best actually, I trigger it with a heavy attack I might even go.. bow, bow bosmer stam healer.

    That setup will be good for debuffing but where are the heals? I feel like powerful assault is a must since vigor is cast a lot.

    I thought about pelinals aptitude but if you make them equal you really just made yourself a mag healer.
  • Narvuntien
    Healers rarely wear sets to improve heals it is all about debuffing. The heals come from the weapon damage
  • Runefang
    Narvuntien wrote: »
    Healers rarely wear sets to improve heals it is all about debuffing. The heals come from the weapon damage

    Agreed but in order to apply those debuffs you need to attack not heal. As opposed to support sets which synergise with doing healing rather than damage.
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