So I've been playing the game for free for the past week because of the free week event.
The game is great, very fun. However one thing is bothering me.
I'm experiencing latency issues that happen at random times and make the game unplayable for me.
I read all the solutions that people offered, read several forum posts and the stickied thread.
I tried some of the solution which didn't work, and other solutions seemed a bit too much to do when I just want to play the game.
I know there isn't any issue with my internet connection, I did a speed test, played other games and things are fine.
On top of that I have been playing with a friend, they didn't experience this issue AT ALL which makes me think that this is related to the region which I am currently located at.
This makes me very sad, because I do love this game and consider buying it so I can continue playing.
I found forum posts from 2015~2016 and it seems that this issue has been going on for quite a while, I would like to know what's the source of my issue, perhaps I could contact my ISP and sort things out with them.
Thanks for reading.