Can I buy storm atronach mounts with gems right now?

I tried it last night but couldn't find the option anywhere to purchase them with gems. Was thinking of buying one from the gems I've gained in recent seasons but I'm not willing to gamble on storm crates again (tried 60 of them when they came out and didnt get a mount)

  • bottleofsyrup
    Nope, only RNG for Storm Atronach. Same for when the Wild Hunt crates come back next week.
  • Voxicity
    Nope, only RNG for Storm Atronach. Same for when the Wild Hunt crates come back next week.

    Ahh, RIP :(

    Fair enough, thanks for the speedy reply
  • Turelus
    You can't buy them with gems.

    The returned crates are only crates with no other purchase options. Seems ZOS found a way to sell crates without gems after all. :disappointed:
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • JoffyToffy69
    I just wanted the wizard hat :(
    Got mounts I already had turned to gems and I cant use them...
    Fun comes from diversity, balance kills diversity.
    Former Empress Serabii
  • Voxicity
    Turelus wrote: »
    You can't buy them with gems.

    The returned crates are only crates with no other purchase options. Seems ZOS found a way to sell crates without gems after all. :disappointed:

    Yeah that kinda sucks. I thought that was the whole point of it, for those who were pooped on by RNG first time around can now buy them outright with gems... but seem$ not
  • SisterGoat
    I am hoping that they will add the ability to buy previous crate items with gems in the future. I think it's just not implemented to have more than 1 set at a time. Maybe next year this time around. :/
    Edited by SisterGoat on December 5, 2017 11:20AM
    Jumps-In-Water - Magicka Templar
    Dar'akar - Stamina Nightblade
    Jumps-In-Lava - Magicka Dragon Knight
  • Neyane
    Nope and it sucks. They would have gotten more money out of me if we could buy with gems.
    The most important thing in life is enjoying yourself.
    810+, love trials and dungeons, achievement hunter ♥
    Stormproof on 9 characters and more to come~ Flawless on MagSorc & MagPlar ♥
  • Voxicity
    cindaxo wrote: »
    Nope and it sucks. They would have gotten more money out of me if we could buy with gems.

    Yeah me too. I'm not buying storm crates again and I'm not gonna buy any crates from the next season since i have 400+ gems
  • Turelus
    Voxicity wrote: »
    Turelus wrote: »
    You can't buy them with gems.

    The returned crates are only crates with no other purchase options. Seems ZOS found a way to sell crates without gems after all. :disappointed:

    Yeah that kinda sucks. I thought that was the whole point of it, for those who were pooped on by RNG first time around can now buy them outright with gems... but seem$ not
    That was the original plan, also a way to deal with duplicates. However after Radiant Apex items appeared I think we all know what they really wanted.

    Won't slam all of ZOS for this, but the people who are behind the crates and marketing really are not showing they have a love for ESO or the community in my opinion.

    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Orticia
    cindaxo wrote: »
    Nope and it sucks. They would have gotten more money out of me if we could buy with gems.

    They would ONLY have gotten money out of me if we could buy with gems.
    My plan would have been buying crates to get enough gems to buy something I want. There are a few "cheaper" things in both crates I would like. Maybe not what I want the most (wild plant horsey, looking at you), but nice and obtainable enough to be happy with. Justifying the high money-gem conversion price with maybe a chance of getting the item I want outright with the gamble and some stuff i would otherwise never have gone for but nice to have. Keeping the extra gems for the next crates then (the wild ones) and maybe repeating the plan..
    Seeing this got turned into gamble only (regardless of intention or possible inability of the store to accompany 2 crate gem buys at the same time). And I likely get nothing I want from the crates or maybe worse only things my character would not even want to be found dead in/with. And end up just with a few gems to spend next crate season. I will just wait till next crate season, to see if there is anything worth while in there I want to release this plan on and pretend these crate storm/wild items never came back.
    Edited by Orticia on December 5, 2017 12:21PM
  • logarifmik
    Capitalists greed prevailed. Nuff said.
    EU PC: @logarifmik | Languages: Русский, English
    Dimitri Frernis | Breton Sorcerer | Damage Dealer | Daggerfall Covenant
    Scales-of-Ice | Argonian Warden | Tank / Healer | Daggerfall Covenant
  • SpearDusk
    You gotta give it to ZOS, ways of making money keep developing lol


  • TelvanniWizard
    A shameful move, this one. Anyways, anything in a scam crate will always be beyond my reach. No magic mounts for me :(
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