Error 303?

I keep getting this when trying to log in-game, I select a character. It takes a bit but the game loads up. I see my character for a split second then "Been disconnected from the server" and I get "Error 303"
Playing on PS4 NA server and current characters are CP 750

Lvl 50 EP High Elf Magsorc PvP (outdated)
Lvl 50 EP Wood Elf Nightblade (Currently my crafter)
Lvl 50 EP High Elf Magplar PvP (outdated healbot)
Lvl 50 EP Redguard Stam DK PvE (updating)
Lvl 50 EP Dark Elf Mag DK PvP

All my builds are outdated...I quit for a year lmao


Best Answer

  • ZOS_Bill

    Error 303 indicates that there are connectivity issues between the console and our servers. Opening ports and removing local save data can often help with this error message.

    PlayStation 4 Ports:
    • TCP Ports 10040 through 10060
    • UDP Ports 50000 through 60000
    • UDP Ports 12000 through 32000
    • UDP Port 6250
    • UDP Port 5060
    • UDP Port 5062
    • UDP Port 3478 through 3479
    • TCP Port 80
    • TCP Port 433

    In addition to the above, deleting your ESO saved data file can resolve some errors on console. Please be aware that deleting the save data will only reset your Options settings, and that no character data or game progress will be affected.

    To delete save data on the PlayStation 4:
    1. From the PlayStation Dynamic Menu, navigate to Settings.
    2. Go to Application Saved Data.
    3. In Application Saved Data, select The Elder Scrolls Online box
    4. Press the [Options] button of the controller on the ESO Save Data.
    5. Select Delete.

    After you have cleared your game save data, restart your console and try logging back into the game.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Answer ✓
  • Ohhgrizyyy
    ZOS_BillE wrote: »

    Error 303 indicates that there are connectivity issues between the console and our servers. Opening ports and removing local save data can often help with this error message.

    PlayStation 4 Ports:
    • TCP Ports 10040 through 10060
    • UDP Ports 50000 through 60000
    • UDP Ports 12000 through 32000
    • UDP Port 6250
    • UDP Port 5060
    • UDP Port 5062
    • UDP Port 3478 through 3479
    • TCP Port 80
    • TCP Port 433

    In addition to the above, deleting your ESO saved data file can resolve some errors on console. Please be aware that deleting the save data will only reset your Options settings, and that no character data or game progress will be affected.

    To delete save data on the PlayStation 4:
    1. From the PlayStation Dynamic Menu, navigate to Settings.
    2. Go to Application Saved Data.
    3. In Application Saved Data, select The Elder Scrolls Online box
    4. Press the [Options] button of the controller on the ESO Save Data.
    5. Select Delete.

    After you have cleared your game save data, restart your console and try logging back into the game.

    Yes thank you, Shortly after making the post I had tried deleting my saved data and I logged in instantly.
    Playing on PS4 NA server and current characters are CP 750

    Lvl 50 EP High Elf Magsorc PvP (outdated)
    Lvl 50 EP Wood Elf Nightblade (Currently my crafter)
    Lvl 50 EP High Elf Magplar PvP (outdated healbot)
    Lvl 50 EP Redguard Stam DK PvE (updating)
    Lvl 50 EP Dark Elf Mag DK PvP

    All my builds are outdated...I quit for a year lmao

    PSN ID: SDL_Griz
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