As a Tank, the Maw of Infernal's Daedroth is very very annoying. It is enormous and spawns in the same position of the tank,
completely surrounding your character, so the result is that you can't see your character, you can't see the animation of your buffs to check if they are still active (i.e. Hardend Armor), you can't see effects or mechanics on you. It becomes dramatic on Ozara: with a giant daedroth surrounding you, you are unable to see if you are pinned, even the teammates can't see if the tank got the pin, so no one is gonna keep your pin out.
Sometimes you can't even see the boss (if the boss is not very big or tall), so you are unable to see the boss' skills and you can't prepare to mitigate. Permablock is the way, yeah, but if you need to bar swap, you have to identify the best moment to do that, otherwise in vet Trials swapping in the wrong moment means death.
Things come even harder for the tank when in a trial group there are 3-4 sorcerers running that monster set, with 3-4 daedroth always at the tank place. With only one daedroth you can move a bit to avoid the giant crocodile surrounding you char (just a little bit, 'cause you don't want to move the boss out of the DD's DoTs), but if there are more daedroth, there is nothing to do: you have to stay in permablock, download add-ons to check you buffs (if you are a PC player), bar swap only if you can see what the boss is doing, hope and pray. Also, it's not very funny to play as a tank if you don't see anything ^^"
So please PLEASE, ZoS, make Maw of the Infernal's daedrot small like a chihuahua!
... Or make it invisible for other players that aren't using this set...
Kiryen - Nord DK tank (PvE)
Kareeth - Dunmer Magicka DK DD (PvE)
Kirenwen - Altmer Magicka Sorcerer DD (PvE)
Karìne - Breton Templar Healer (PvP)
Dominio dei Felini - Italian Guild PC/EU