Help the economy - give players some guild store slots for crafting mats

As the game ages the economy is suffering a bit, especially for crafting supplies and materials. It’s increasingly difficult to find items in guild stores at any price. Various mechanics (furnishings) are not helping...they eat up mats, but no one is creating listings to replace them. The scarcity is likely owing to several causes:

- fewer players means fewer sellers. But those of us who continue to sell can’t help the economy because we are held at 30 slots per guild store.

- The dedicated sellers who remain tend to have eso+. This system is a disincentive for listing craft mats because these don’t clog up inventory space. The limited slots also mean a seller has to choose between listing something like a ~$20k motif or a ~$1k stack of cloth.

- sales are slower, so the higher value items stack up and hog up guild store slots that might otherwise be used for mat.

My proposal might take some programming resources, but I think it’d help the game a lot. Give players an additional 30 slots in their guild stores that are ONLY for crafting mats (anything that fits in the crafting bags).

This would allow sellers who want to be more active to increase what’s offered in their guild stores, but it would ensure that the expanded listings focus on game materials.

As we look toward next summer’s chapter release, when lots of new players might come on board, this could help make their experience better...the guild stores would likely have more of the supplies that a new player needs.

@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom
  • Taleof2Cities
    Not a bad idea, @davey1107 ...
  • Narvuntien
    I always keep a few slots for crafting mats because they sell so fast.

    I sort of painted myself into a corner with the orinsium event filling up my trader slots with Briarheart gear. So I have less materials for sale than usual.

    But they are a fast sale so there is a lot more turn over for crafting mats so I am always listing it if I have it.
  • Wreuntzylla
    Ancestor silk. The bane of my gaming experience.
  • Nestor
    It's more an education of the player base that is needed. Any Mat I list at commodity pricing sells in hours or less than an hour. Gear, Motifs, Recipes etc all take days to move in most cases.

    Looking at Guild Sales history, Mats are listed and sold all the time. Problem is, they are bought so quickly it just seems like there is never any for sale.

    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

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