MaxCP - MagSorc LF Vet Trials Guild

LF Vet Trials Guild that runs between 5:30am and 7:30am EST. (The early hours)

Happy to do any DPS tests needed.

message me in-game @JKith
  • randomuserID1
    Hi Jkith, looking at your time slots available you may be a good fit for my Aussie trials guild, the Victorious Brotherhood runs between 9:00pm Aedt and 11:00pm Aedt on Wednesday for open vets and Sunday night for our progression core, with that being a good time on other nights for impromptu raids also.
    Former GM of the Victorious Brotherhood
    Boethiah's Scythe | Dro-m'Athra Destroyer | Mage Slayer | Ophidian Overlord | Shehai Shatterer I Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor I Voice of Reason
  • JKith
    Hi Jkith, looking at your time slots available you may be a good fit for my Aussie trials guild, the Victorious Brotherhood runs between 9:00pm Aedt and 11:00pm Aedt on Wednesday for open vets and Sunday night for our progression core, with that being a good time on other nights for impromptu raids also.

    Awesome, I'm available everyday between 9:30pm and 11:30pm Aedt.

    Can you message me in-game or give me a discord link?

    I'm VERY eager to do trials between those times.
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