What this event could have been...

What the event could have been.....
With the #10MillionStories celebration, there's never been a better (or more rewarding) time to get your squad together and explore Tamriel's dungeons!

From November 30 to Dec 6, complete a random dungeon via the Dungeon Finder (Normal of Veteran) to earn a Mysterious Reward Box, up to 8 per account per day, resets at 12am PST every day. Mysterious Reward Boxes will contain a variety of in-game rewards, such as Dye Stamps, Crown Experience Scrolls, Clockwork city and Morrowind Furnishing Plans, transmutation crystals, or rarely, a costume, pet or even a mount!

In addition, active ESO+ subscribers from Dec 2 to Dec 3 will receive an additional token of thank you from us. Your first random dungeon of the day via the Dungeon Finder will reward you with a Legendary Mysterious Reward Box, 1 per account per day. Legendary Mysterious Reward Box are guaranteed to contain a costume, pet, or even a mount!

We thank all our players for making ESO amazing and we hope to see you far into the future!

Edited by Furcula on December 3, 2017 10:44AM
  • Fang_of_Lorkhaj
    <.< hwat
  • coop500
    I just wished they were honest about the event.
    Hoping for more playable races
  • starkerealm
    Okay, honestly, I think this event probably would have been better served with a daily quest to defeat a dungeon boss, instead of the current setup, with fixed rewards based on the number of days you completed content.

    "We've dug some stuff out of the vault from the crown store in the past, and are offering it to you, if you clear X number of dungeons during the event."

    I understand that this would have precluded the grand prize packs, which... honestly, you could still simply hand those out manually to players at random during the event. Maybe one or two each day, "by hand."

    It would also have lifted the issue we currently have, where I HAVE RUN SPINDLECLUTCH SO MANY TIMES IT IS NOT EVEN FUNNY.

    I mean, I've seen new stuff too. I've hit dungeons that I either never got around to before, or haven't played in years. At the same time, the boxes have been a disappointment. The best thing I've seen from them was a purple geode, which awarded 4 crystals. So, that's kinda underwhelming. Now, I understand with prizes that have actual cash value associated with them, the desire to make those drops rare... but, combined with the group finder breaking horrifically (even for premade groups), this event has been, kinda a bust.
    Edited by starkerealm on December 3, 2017 2:19PM
  • Tasear
    Having a lot of fun myself with hang out with friends.
  • VaranisArano
    I've been enjoying it a lot. With the exception of those times when Group Finder just wasn't working on PC/NA.

    I'm really glad that ZOS redid the leveled difficulties of group dungeons before the event. I've been pleasantly surprised at how smooth the runs were the 2 times I wound up in White Gold Tower. Much better than it would have been before ZOS changed the leveled dungeons in the Clockwork City patch.
  • LadyLethalla
    The best thing I've seen from them was a purple geode, which awarded 4 crystals. So, that's kinda underwhelming.

    I got a GOLD geode from a Rewards for the Worthy on the weekend (I don't PvP much) and it gave me a whopping 4. All the purples have given me is I think 2 crystals. -_______-

    x-TallyCat-x // PC EU DC - For the Covenant! // ESO Platinum trophy - 16th May 2017.
    Melbourne Australia - the land of Potato Internet.WTB ESO OCEANIC SERVER
  • VaranisArano

    I got a GOLD geode from a Rewards for the Worthy on the weekend (I don't PvP much) and it gave me a whopping 4. All the purples have given me is I think 2 crystals. -_______-

    The Rewards of the Worthy gold geodes drop 4-25 crystals, heavily weighted toward the low end like usual.
  • generalmyrick
    after every event i lose interest in what i am forced to do for about 2-3 months.
    "The red pill and its opposite, the blue pill, are a popular cultural meme, a metaphor representing the choice between:

    Knowledge, freedom, uncertainty and the brutal truths of reality (red pill)
    Security, happiness, beauty, and the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue pill)"

    Insight to Agree to Awesome Ratio = 1:6.04:2.76 as of 1/25/2019

    Compared to people that I've ignored = I am 18% more insightful, 20% less agreeable, and 88% more awesome.
  • jssriot
    In addition, active ESO+ subscribers from Dec 2 to Dec 3 will receive an additional token of thank you from us. Your first random dungeon of the day via the Dungeon Finder will reward you with a Legendary Mysterious Reward Box, 1 per account per day. Legendary Mysterious Reward Box are guaranteed to contain a costume, pet, or even a mount!

    Did people actually get these Legendary boxes? Because I certainly did not and my ESO+ sub is current and active.. I got a costume yesterday but it wasn't from my first dungeon of that day--it was probably my 5th or 6th. And I didn't get squat on the 2nd. WTH.
    PC-NA since 2015. Tired and unimpressed.
  • SecretAtoz
    Edit: NEVERMIND, misunderstood the post.
    Edited by SecretAtoz on December 5, 2017 4:41AM
  • Kel
    jssriot wrote: »

    Did people actually get these Legendary boxes? Because I certainly did not and my ESO+ sub is current and active.. I got a costume yesterday but it wasn't from my first dungeon of that day--it was probably my 5th or 6th. And I didn't get squat on the 2nd. WTH.

    Yeah, I made a thread asking about this post because of that. I was convinced it was true. Sunday, my first dungeon box gave me a mount (Imperial Warhorse) and a dog. (Imperial Mastiff)
    Turns out I was just lucky...
    But that's what I get for not reading the post title and putting it together with the content of the post.. :s

    Edited by Kel on December 5, 2017 5:21AM
  • Palidon
    In addition, active ESO+ subscribers from Dec 2 to Dec 3 will receive an additional token of thank you from us. Your first random dungeon of the day via the Dungeon Finder will reward you with a Legendary Mysterious Reward Box, 1 per account per day. Legendary Mysterious Reward Box are guaranteed to contain a costume, pet, or even a mount!

    What Legendary Mysterious Reward Box? I am an active ESO+ subscriber and never received a Legenday Mysterious Reward Box for on my first random dungeon between Dec 2 thru the 3rd.

    Looks like False Advertising on the Part of ZOS and that is totally wrong. If you ask me this entire event has been a total Disappointment as far as rewards.
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