I can log in to play the game and post in the forums just fine. But when I try to log in to my account to buy Morrowind, I get this message:
Account Protection
You've logged into Elderscrollsonline.com from a new device or browser. For your security, we've sent a special access code to your registered email address. To verify that you're the owner of this account, please enter the access code below. For your security, you'll need to grant access to this computer by entering the access code we've sent to your email.
I get this even though I am using the same (only) computer I always use.
The problem is that I am not receiving the access code. I click on the 'did not receive access code' option and it says email successfully sent, but I don't receive it.
Note that I am using the same email address I have used since before ESO was in beta, and that I get the ESO advertisement emails to that email address just fine.
I have been to the Technical Support website and followed the list of actions, eg, checking junk mail, adding the noreply eso email address to safe senders, and disabling my anti-virus, all with no effect. I have gone to my ISP (Comcast) to make sure there are no spam/junk options there blocking me from getting the email. I tried to fill out the 'form' that ESO says to fill out, but when I select 'not receiving access code for new computer' it just shows the list of actions I am supposed to take (which I already did) and then there is no way to actually complete/submit the form?!
Thanks in advance for your help!