What is the ettiqette when it comes to causing damage as healer in group dungeons?
In veteran dungeons I usually lean towards only healing and possibly dropping damage ultimates during boss fights, and during the trash I do more damage and keep the buffs up, only really healing when needed.
In normal dungeons I act like a DPS 95% of the time.
Am I doing it right? I ask because sometimes I feel like switching to DPS might slow down the group if the actual DPS feels like he needs to self heal or shield because I am not keeping him at 100%. I hate when Im healing and see people pop vigor or mutigen, makes me feel like they dont have faith in my healing.
Obviously in organized groups this is less of an issue, but I run a lot of PUGs.
Flameheart wrote: »Lightning Wall is your friend. Never underestimate the direct and indirect (off balance) dps from it and actually it's now the standard support a good healer delivers anyways. In addition you need a lightning staff for that on your backbar - and if you have the time - you deliver the best Aoe dps ever by doing a heavy attack with that tool and you even get magicka back.
KingYogi415 wrote: »Most good players really need minimal healing. Only in DLC dungeons do you need to really focus springs.
Your job is to buff!
Combat prayer, eledrain, wall of lighting and shards need to be up 100% of the time. If your groups sucks (or you are running a vet trail) you spend the rest of your time weaving springs to keep everyone alive.
If with a decent group, you weave forcepusle/sweep while keeping the buffs up. Make sure to have cp spread evenly to do good damage, you will easily do 10k+ Dps.
dwemer_paleologist wrote: »in PvP ALL healers and Tanks should have NO ability to kill other players, that is an MMO tradition.
the tank and healer are not meant to dish out high damage in those positions.
but in PvE both of those classes should be able to do Fair damage and help the team when needed. that is normal tradion in MMO's.
dwemer_paleologist wrote: »in PvP ALL healers and Tanks should have NO ability to kill other players, that is an MMO tradition.
the tank and healer are not meant to dish out high damage in those positions.
but in PvE both of those classes should be able to do Fair damage and help the team when needed. that is normal tradion in MMO's.
As a healer, I've found that you generally get extremes.
You either have a group that significantly outclasses you on damage, or you have a group that needs your help.
You either have a group that's in constant danger of wiping, or you have a group that doesn't generally need to be healed.
How these things interact determines which bar I'm on most of the time. I've got pros? I'll just keep mutagen up for SPC, and focus on Purifying Light, Elemental Drain, and Elemental Blockade to maximize their output. I've got kiddos to protect? There's going to be a lot more Combat Prayer and Ritual of Retribution (with Shards everywhere).
As a healer, my primary job is to prevent service interruptions, and damage is the service. If I can contribute to that, then great, but I'm going to position myself such that I can focus on letting the DPS do their job without worry. My damage contribution is never going to outweigh the damage loss from a downed player.
For me it's a sliding scale, the harder the content the more focus I have on healing. The only thing I don't vary is buffs/debuffs/resources - they are up at all times.
So on a normal FG1 run I will use Mutagen only as required. On Vet DLC dungeons it's basically just healing + lightning blockade. Trials are a whole other beast again.
I will also respond to the group if required, newer/weaker players need more healing. But I prefer to tell try and teach the obvious things like avoiding aggro, avoiding the red, have food/drink etc.