No idea what is this poll about
I've been playing for several months, and I don't even know what Crown Crates are. I think I got something related to crown crates as a free bonus. Some giant cat appeared out of nowhere and started dealing me cards.
Since I have zero interest in card games, I just hit things at random and got a reward. I think it was a soul gem.
Is this ESO's version of loot boxes?
Just like the AoE Caps poll - ZOS ignores their playerbase entirely on the topic, which causes many people to lose more respect for them. It was the same thing when Crown Crates first released. Not many players are going to quit the game over this (despite a massive amount of PvPers doing the very same in the past over AoE Caps), but it will have other effects. Crown Crates and increasing Crown prices just cause a ton of players to no longer purchase stuff in this game on principle.
Worse Dev reputation + far less microtransactions being done (but on average much more $$ from those who do spend) = unhappy playerbase with a lot less extra cash being made overtime than one would think with this extent of microtransactions in the game.
The way it has always appeared to me is that ZOS prefers the short term cash over the long term maintainance of ESO that results in a healthy game/playerbase, and is now starting to pay for it. Years of unpopular, horrible balance decisions and neglectful treatment of the game has caused game performance and lag to become truly terrible. Their free advertisement (streamers) are basically all gone because they got fed up with these same problems. The PvP and endgame PvE communities are actually small enough to be considered comparatively “dead” to how they were years ago, and the game’s performance is flat out horrendous rn especially on console.
This is my first MMO so hopefully what I am seeing is considered normal? The implementation of Criwn Crates themselves and recent, increased focus on them in light of ESO’s deteriorating game performance and minuscule PvP/endgame PvE crowds looks really bad to me. I’d rather buy a “Chapter” that fixes the longstanding and worsening major flaws of ESO than any new content.
I voted for crown crates are ok......BUT......I like crown crates only as long as they accompany them with the 3 for free weekends like now. Free fun stuff. If it was all direct buy only there would likely not be these free handouts. Most of all I would have liked a sizable part of the items to have just been earn-able through the game. More so then getting some handed over for free.
I voted for crown crates are ok......BUT......I like crown crates only as long as they accompany them with the 3 for free weekends like now. Free fun stuff. If it was all direct buy only there would likely not be these free handouts. Most of all I would have liked a sizable part of the items to have just been earn-able through the game. More so then getting some handed over for free.
I dislike crown crates in general. Why should I have to gamble my money in a game to get an item. RNG should not exist on purchases. Its like going to McDonalds, handing the cashier a $10.00 and getting some random food back. In the case of most loot crates it would be 3 French fries and a cup for water.
The apex crystals, purple gems, or whatever they are called is even worse. They should at least give you the option to sell back every time for exact purple gem value.
What really gets me is that I quit SWTOR because of the greed in crown crates. At least they give you 2x the amount of crates for the same amount of money, and at least you can sell your stuff in game for gold.
I have loved Bethesda for a very long time, always considered them one of the best game companies on the planet. Never saw them as greedy, but ESO (sadly) is changing that.
I really wish game companies would focus on making games fun first and letting their income be a result of that. Now adays games are designed to get you to spend money while you reach out for the fun. Its backwards.