Hey! Any updates on this Year's New Life Festival by any chance? Is there even going to be one?
CP 350
Drkrazyball - CP160 HealthDK [PVE]
-Song of Lamae, Engine Guardian, Endurance, Alessia's Bulwark
Revenganaut - CP160 StamSorc [PVP]
-Clever Alchemist, Spriggan, Velidreth
Snikerdoodle - CP160
StamIna NB [PVE]
-Twice Fanged Snake, Vicious Ophidian, Valkyn Skoria
Sir-Garfield - CP160
StamIna NB [PVP]
-Clever Alchemist, Spriggan, Valkyn Skoria, Spriggan
Don-quixote - CP160
StamIna Thief [PVE]
-Night's silence, Jailbreaker, Valkyn Skoria
Wardens of Winterhold