Has this been acknowledged as a problem by ZOS? I have seen discussion about this throughout reddit and other parts of these forums.
For PC players unaware, on console, dodge roll is left trigger + A (X for PS4) but, left trigger is also our block button. This results in your toon blocking for half a second after you perform the dodge if you don't hold the block button down for a split second
before pressing the A button.
From what I can see, this is less of an issue (but still exists) for those with fast internet. I'm from Australia so "fast internet" here means spiders jumping from web-to-web at great speeds

I personally always end up getting frustrated and deleting my Stam toons because of this mechanic. It's clunky, stops your Stam regen, stops your rotation, stops you from casting another ability etc.
So is button mapping going to become something in the future? Could we get dodge roll changed to the right trigger instead - so that all we do is a light attack and not start to block?
I don't want to roll Mag toons for the game's entirety just because of something that's so simply fixed, and realistically shouldn't happen in the first place.