Well, i have not played for that long, but one thing that is annoying as hell is the onscreen notification.
I take a quest (im the type that dont give a fart about reading, kind of guy), so at the end i get 1-2 sec notification on the quest objective on screen, and that text no where reflect the name of the quest it self, its like the onscreen text can be like "Go kill jabba the butt" and then you look in the quest log and there is nothing about that, i then have to look in every quest i got to find out where that quest is, and its not even always in the same zone as i got it, and its even not like ah i can just look at what the onscreen test was in the chat, nope there are NO WAY to see what the message was on the screen, really p.sses me off a lot.
So if i miss some thing on the screen, or remembered it wrong, i have now no way to figure out what the heck that quest was, why not just put the sh.t in the chat also, so you can still go and read it after, but no no, you get 1 sec better be a fast reader (which im not, english is not my language), and if you dont get it, well bad luck..
Really not new user friendly, or even friendly at all.